World News: This is the source of news which has all the information of the world's activities
Hindi news was initially initiated by government organised channel DD national, which was the only free channel after Indian independence and provided coverage to whole of India. After the time has passed several new and existing news agencies from different countries has come to market to provide tough competition among them. This competition has advanced the means of new delivering means and mediums along with quality and time frame of news delivering. India has many national and regional news agencies which cover each and every part of this country and provide all the news of events taking place. World is also connected with these national news and when the news from all every country is combined becomes the world news.
Thus, news has vast coverage along with covering the local areas of every country. World news, Hindi news and India news is a source to all the information of things, changes, activities and natural calamities taking place on the earth. World also provide full support to the existing news agencies to deploy their reporters in every country and cover all that could be the part of news and which the world should be aware of, this can be from the field of technology, sports, entertainment, Political, economic, natural, environmental, geographical and all other fields are also covered which are of materiality to the world.