How to Get Rid of Smoker"s Breath
If you live with or are always around people who smoke, you probably don't care for the smell. You wouldn't want to be in close proximity with them either, because of their breath. A smoker's breath can smack you off of your feet, because it's so strong.
The bad breath from smoking cigarettes can linger for a long while, or it can be a constant thing, especially if they are chain smokers. Some people wish they could stay away, but they probably don't want to hurt the smoker's feelings.
However, there are things that smokers can do to relieve themselves and others of that strong cigarette odor:
One of the best ways that a smoker can hide their bad breath from smoking is to chew gum. Get a flavor that is strong and will last a while. Or, you can chew sugar-free gum. Sugar-free gum is better for your teeth.
Since your teeth and related areas can affect your breath, chewing gum is probably the easiest way to go. You can also get specialty gum that is designed just for smokers. However, this gum is a little costly.
• Get mints that have a long lasting flavor. They can last long enough until the smell goes away.
• One of the quickest ways to get rid of smoking breath is to brush your teeth. On the down side, it's impossible to always brush after you've smoked a cigarette. However, it can provide some help.
• Mouthwash is another way smokers can relieve themselves of bad breath. It can also provide some help, but it's difficult to use it after each time you've smoked.
• If you really want to get rid of nicotine breath, you should just kick the habit. Then, you can really work on keeping your breath fresh and getting rid of the bad breath. You will also regain your health. It may take a moment for the change to kick in, but at least you'll be free of smoke. It's also a good way to stop smoking.
The bad breath from smoking cigarettes can linger for a long while, or it can be a constant thing, especially if they are chain smokers. Some people wish they could stay away, but they probably don't want to hurt the smoker's feelings.
However, there are things that smokers can do to relieve themselves and others of that strong cigarette odor:
One of the best ways that a smoker can hide their bad breath from smoking is to chew gum. Get a flavor that is strong and will last a while. Or, you can chew sugar-free gum. Sugar-free gum is better for your teeth.
Since your teeth and related areas can affect your breath, chewing gum is probably the easiest way to go. You can also get specialty gum that is designed just for smokers. However, this gum is a little costly.
• Get mints that have a long lasting flavor. They can last long enough until the smell goes away.
• One of the quickest ways to get rid of smoking breath is to brush your teeth. On the down side, it's impossible to always brush after you've smoked a cigarette. However, it can provide some help.
• Mouthwash is another way smokers can relieve themselves of bad breath. It can also provide some help, but it's difficult to use it after each time you've smoked.
• If you really want to get rid of nicotine breath, you should just kick the habit. Then, you can really work on keeping your breath fresh and getting rid of the bad breath. You will also regain your health. It may take a moment for the change to kick in, but at least you'll be free of smoke. It's also a good way to stop smoking.