How to Respond to a Woman"s Internet Dating Profile
She has great photos and a personality to boot! She has a great sense of humor and a very dynamic personality.
You can tell she'd be a great addition to your already fulfilling life.
She also lives reasonably close to you.
You just HAVE to respond to her! But how? As you can imagine, she's probably getting 50 to 60 emails a day from every guy within a 500-mile radius.
She opens her inbox to see a barrage of boring emails with subject lines that all looks the same.
"Hey baby! You're so fine!" "Hey, nice guy here.
I think you're cute!" "Oh my GOD! You're so beautiful! Please respond to this email!" "Baby, I want to make you my love muffin!" And the emails get worse and worse.
This is the reality of a beautiful woman on an internet dating site.
And this is GREAT news! Why? Because, you are going to be the real MAN that stands out and gets her attention.
You've already seen her profile and now you MUST find a way to get her eyes on YOU.
How do you do that? It's simple.
Have a GREAT subject line in your email.
If you don't have a great subject line then your email will NEVER get read.
Simple as that.
That's why we have to put good subject lines in our response.
THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF RESPONDING TO ONLINE DATING PROFILES! Now, I like to use subject lines that are ambiguous.
Ones that leave her wondering, "What is he talking about?" Women love a good mystery and nothing is more mysterious then a subject line that has her wondering why you wrote it.
I might write something like: "Oh my GOD! What are you doing?" It doesn't get more mysterious then that! When she sees an email like this in her inbox, you'd better bet that she's going to open it.
Now, you need to be sure and explain it in your email to her.
If you don't she'll feel tricked and move on to someone else.
There are many different ways to go here.
I might start off my email like this: "I mean, here you are sitting there with 50 emails in your inbox and it took you this long to get to mine? I just might forgive you if you're up for a challenge.
" Then, just continue your email.
See how easy that was? The most important thing is to get her attention right off the bat.
Once you do that, you're in.
So, write down a list of ten creative, eye-catching, and ambiguous subject lines similar to the example above.
Then come up with ways to start off an email using each subject line.
Once you have your arsenal, you're ready to respond to all the hot women in your area.