How Resveratrol Fights Prostate Cancer
This nutrient has been proven to extend the life of cells in yeast, flies, and some worms. There is no concrete evidence of yet that it can help people live longer however there is some very promising news. There is also some confirming research about resveratrol and how it can help you beat cancer and live longer. Prostate cancer is a cancer that starts and grows in a prostate of a male human. The prostate gland is part of the male reproductive system and is below the bladder and above the penis.
The prostate job is to store a white liquid fluid that contains sperm which will help a guy get his loved one pregnant. It is also used as a switch to turn off pee and on semen. When it comes to cancer not everyone is an agreement on how it gets started or why. There are some risk factors and the biggest is age. So the older someone is the more of a chance they will get this ailment. Another one is race, for some reason African American men or more at risk for prostate cancer then other males.
Other factors that could increase the risk for this type of cancer would be lack of exercise, smoking, obesity and a high fat diet. So eating a lot of processed foods, with lots of saturated fat and not consuming enough fruits and vegetables could increase the risk of someone getting this health hazard.
Good news for resveratrol and prostate cancer is that red wine's health benefits may stop or slow cancerous cells from growing. The reason why resveratrol can help is because it contains polyphenols which are antioxidants that stop free radicals and deadly bacteria. Also it can help interfere with cancer development in all stages of cancer growth. There are four stages the first is when the cancer is small the second is when the cancer grows but is not a tumor the third stage is when it spreads into surrounding tissue and the fourth stage is when it spreads to other organs and is called metastatic. Lastly it can help with inflammation which many health professionals link with cancer.
In test with over 700 men with prostate cancer the benefits of red wine was able to offer some protection from rapidly growing tumors. Also it's interesting to know that white wine, or other liquor did not offer protection from these tumors. This is because resveratrol is found in the skin of grapes which white wine does not have.
Out of many supplements we pick Total Balance as the supplement for choice when it comes to resveratrol because of the ratio of having a low price and high quality. To learn more about this supplement and the company Xtend-Life click on Total Balance. []