Parents, When You Overdo Your Child Does Too
Am I right? If you happen to be a stay-at-home parent, you do hundreds of things every day that no one notices until one day when you are unable to do those special little things and life no longer flows quite as beautifully or as gently as before.
And no one knows why.
They just know their lives seem different and they feel less than happy about the unexplained change.
None of your family members will know how hard you work to get everything done for their comfort and well being.
Yet, on a subtle level, your kid picks up the idea that he too is supposed to work until he drops! You will notice she takes on many activities and tries to stay calm and get it all done.
Like you, the word "No!" seems lacking from her vocabulary.
You probably didn't mean to teach her to treat herself that way.
Doesn't matter -- she learned that lesson.
And telling her she needs to pay attention to her health does no good because she watches you behave that way every day! If you have an adolescent or an adult child you will recall times when you said, "Do as I say not as I do.
" Yeah, right! That works.
(Just a note of sarcasm there.
) You will always be your child's role model-not just during their early years.
As they grow older they will either d what you do or the exact opposite of what you do.
They either want to be like you or they want to behave the opposite way from you.
As they grow older they also wake up to the whys of your behaviors.
They will change their minds.
They will change their attitude.
In fact, the older your child gets, the smarter you will appear to be when you have not changed very much at all!