Value of Series E Savings Bonds
- Interest rates on E bonds varied over the years, but all bonds were guaranteed to double in value by the time they stopped earning interest. A bond purchased for $50 would be worth $100 at maturity. E bonds purchased between May 1941 and November 1965 earned interest for 40 years from the date purchased. A bond purchased from December 1965 through June 1980 earned interest for 30 years. E bonds no longer earn added interest.
- Bonds may be valued online using the Treasury Direct Savings Bonds Calculator. The simple online program allows the owner to find the value of a bond by typing in the series of bond, in this case E; the denomination of the bond, printed on the front of the bond, for instance, $50; and the date of purchase or issue, also on the front of the bond. A simple click once the information is entered, and the value of the bond is displayed.
- Bond value tables may be downloaded from the Treasury Direct Website and printed if desired.