Prepared for a Zombie Attack?
I'm not willing to say it'll be a full on apocalypse. Smaller, unaffected populations, will quickly band together and live in small closed or walled off communities. But one thing is for sure. You will either be ready for a zombie uprising or you won't be. The nature of such a virus will quickly wipe out those that are unprepared for survival in such a new environment.
In order to prepare for a zombie virus outbreak, you should really consider first and foremost a bug-out bag. Bug-out bags are good for more than just a zombie future. They are bags that usually will help you "bug-out" or "get-out-of-dodge" and survive for at least 72 hours. This is your first step to keeping your self alive. Bug-out bags or "Get Out of Dodge Bags" can be expensive, but when ever you need to retreat and leave quickly and have what you need, you'll be glad you made the investment. Most Bug-outs are sold completely stocked and ready-to-use.
Second, it's important to have a basic first-aid kit. More than likely, you don't know how to perform surgery (and won't need to if you're prepared) but what you really need is the ability to stop bleeding, ward off infection, cure minor aches and pains, soothe burns, etc. Most bug-out bags include a first-aid kit but it doesn't hurt to "pad" it a bit by getting a second kit. In a bit I'll tell you what else you can do with a second first aid kit.
Next, know how to use an up-to-date map and compass (the skill of orienteering). If there is a zombie out-break things like your GPS may work in the short run, but after a few months they will begin to become unreliable. Knowing how to use and read a map or orienteer, is also important for another reason.
At risk of sounding a bit alarmist or like some of those other "zombie nuts", I believe that it's also a good idea to have a rally point that might go along with your family's emergency plan. In the case case of a zombie virus out-break you'll need to know where you and yours will meet up. This should be somewhere outside your home. My family has a location about 5 miles away in the mountains. It's essentially a safe haven away from the general population. Everyone in the family knows how to either get there or find their way to the rally point with a map and compass. At this secret location which we visit twice a year to always keep it fresh in our memory, we have hidden supplies such as that first-aid kit I told you I'd bring up again. We also have 15-year food storage, water buried and insulated at least 4 feet down, survival books, maps of the local area, self-defense, clothing, rain gear, camouflage, fishing, hunting and trapping supplies, warm clothes, instructions for the first week, first one, three, six months, up to 18 months. This includes what to do if no one else shows up. Or strangers show up. We also have details how to protect the area from zombie predators. However, our rally point was chosen specifically for it's ability to protect ourselves from zombie attacks. Anyways, get your self a good rally point somewhere within 5-10 miles.
These are the most important things to know and honestly I could go on and on about how to prepare your self and your family. I've already considered writing a book on this all too important subject when I can find the time to sit down and write it. Any way, I hope I have helped you in some way learn about what you should do initially to avoid such a terrible situation as a zombie attack.