How to Get Him Back - These 5 Blunders Are Not How to Get Him Back!
You feel like your emotions are on a roller coaster with no help in sight.
You love him, you want him back and you need to know how to get him back.
You miss him desperately and your only thoughts are how to get him back any way you can.
Unfortunately this is when you will make the mistakes that may cost you any chance of getting him back.
There is a proven plan that I will discuss later called the Magic Love Recipe that will guide you through this rough time in your life and help you to get him back.
But first I want to tell you about five of the mistakes women usually made during the first few days after a breakup.
Mistakes or down right blunders that will make it difficult to get him back.
Shortly after a break up with your man your emotions are raw and you are more likely to make these blunders.
5 Blunders You Don't Want To Make: 1.
Say Things That Are Not True About Him.
You don't want to spread rumors or make up lies about him just to hurt him.
He may have hurt you but now is the time to forgive, time to heal and work on getting your relationship back together.
Do Not Do Or Say Things That Will Angry Him.
You probably have been with the man you love long enough to know how to "push" his buttons, how to make him angry.
This is not how to get him back, by getting him mad or starting an argument.
Try To Make Him Jealous.
Would you want him to make you jealous by flirting or dating someone else? Of course you would not, and how would you react? Probably by dating or flirting with someone else too.
Trying to make him jealous is not how to get him back.
Do Not Beg Him To Take You Back.
Begging is a show of weakness and neediness.
Men usually don't like needy women, plus why would you want to base your relationship upon pity? 5.
Behave Like A Stalker.
I know one of your first reactions to the breakup will be to try to call him, and call him, and call him...
No, constantly calling, emailing or texting him will not help to get him back.
Nor will showing up all of the time at places where you know he will be.
He needs some time and space to think things out, men takes longer than women.
You also need some space and time to get your emotions under control if you want to get him back.
You need to have a cooling period and get your emotions under controls.
You certainly will have a better chance of getting him back.
You need the time to get a plan together like the Magic Love Recipe I mentioned before.
You can certainly get him back and be happy again and make the relationship stronger than before once you learn how to get him back.