I Want My Ex Back, But They Don"t Want Me! 3 Things You Should Do In This Type Of Situation!
It burns like fire in your chest when you think of your ex forgetting you, and when your ex acts as if nothing ever existed between you two.
That's EXACTLY why you have to do the same in return, because EVERYONE has that very reaction to rejection.
NO ONE likes to be forgotten, and it is guaranteed to tear your ex up, if they even get the slightest impression that you will forget them or have moved on.
Make Your Life a Dream - You are relying so heavily on your ex to complete and fulfill your life that you are stuck in a huge rut right now.
Your ex knows this and is throwing that in your face, because your ex enjoys the attention and newfound appreciation that you are giving them since the breakup.
Your ex, luckily, doesn't realize that they are addicted to making you chase them around like crazy; which is why they will have a strong and useful reaction should you stop doing such.
Instead, you need to start making your life a dream on your own.
Think of all the things you wanted to do, and stop applying your ex to them, and start applying yourself to them.
Live out your dreams openly, and your ex will notice a huge change in you, and they will also notice that you are no longer giving them all the attention and love they were getting before.
What will happen then is your ex will instantly freak out and will try extremely hard to get the attention and affection back, because they are afraid that you will replace them with other things in your life; especially with new dreams! Tell Your Ex That You Don't Want Them - The main power that your ex has right now, is the knowledge that you want them, and that you are so desperate for them, you'll do anything to get them back.
You need to take that pedestal down, because it only makes your ex take you for granted.
To do this, you have to outwardly tell your ex that you no longer want them.
These words alone will drive your ex to want you again, out of the fear of losing you, and out of the fear of having to move on.