How to Write a Bibliography in APA
- 1). Title your bibliography "References" and center the title. You should still put your shortened title and page number as a top right header.
- 2). Alphabetize your references by the author's last name.
- 3). Format each entry. Each source citation starts with the inverted name of the author and includes the publication date, title, publication name, volume and issue number (if in a magazine or journal), publisher information and, if an online resource, the date you accessed the resource. The standard form for a book is:
Last Name, First Name. (Publication date). Title. Publishing Site: Publisher.
For references that extend onto a subsequent line, each line after the first should be indented 1/2 inch. - 4). Double space your bibliography page or pages. If the bibliography extends onto a second page continue with the abbreviated title and page number header in the upper left but do not include another "References" title at the top.