Creating a safe and caring home
Home care workers are relied on to carry out many different tasks. Sometimes they may not recognise many of the potential dangers they encounter in their line of duty. The duties of a home worker can include lifting and handling different tasks, usage of a wide range of household chemicals, use of electrical equipment such as microwave ovens, cookers, vacuum cleaners, heaters and many more.
This guidance is intended to help home care providers on how to make a care home safer. They can achieve this by understanding the main hazards associated with care homes and how to manage them effectively.
In order to make a home care safer, workers are advised to manage injuries arising from lifting, they can achieve this by avoiding risky manual handling operations and make use of lifting, assisting and handling equipment's wherever applicable. Employers must sufficiently assess manual handling operations before using them.
All employees working in a care home should maintain high hygiene standards. They should also be provided with appropriate working gears in order to prevent biohazards arising from handling clinical waste and soiled laundry. The management should also ensure that there are clear and sufficient guidelines laid down for the safe handling, storage, segregation, spillage control and disposal to reduce the risk of biological hazards.
Electrical safety should also be taken care of by ensuring that all electrical equipment are installed and maintained by a professional. It's also very important that the fixed system is inspected and tested after a specific period of time by a qualified electrician. All electrical and mechanical machines should be examined at a frequency appropriate to the danger. frequent maintenance should be carried to check for general wear and tear and ensuring that sockets, plugs and leads are in good conditions and that there are no exposed electrical wires and when a problem is detected corrective action has to be taken immediately.
If there's gas installation or gas appliances installed they must be highly maintained in order to prevent risk of injury to any person. Also if there is any room where there is a gas appliance for example a boiler or a heater and the room can be used or is being used for sleeping, dining. Etc. then the appliances should be checked for safety regularly. It's also important to keep a record book of the appliances in respect to the date of inspection, defects identified and action taken.
It's also important to ensure that medicines and drugs are safely secured under lock and key in order to prevent accidental takings and they should also be administered by a professional
Floor, corridors and stairs should be always kept free from obstructions. In order to ensure safety in care home ashbourne, floor covering and route ways should be highly maintained and it's also important to ensure all areas are well lit. Also, stairs should be fixed with handrails on both sides. Floor should be kept dry always and spillages should be cleaned up immediately. It's also important to ensure that all water systems are in good condition and that they are regularly checked.
This guidance is intended to help home care providers on how to make a care home safer. They can achieve this by understanding the main hazards associated with care homes and how to manage them effectively.
In order to make a home care safer, workers are advised to manage injuries arising from lifting, they can achieve this by avoiding risky manual handling operations and make use of lifting, assisting and handling equipment's wherever applicable. Employers must sufficiently assess manual handling operations before using them.
All employees working in a care home should maintain high hygiene standards. They should also be provided with appropriate working gears in order to prevent biohazards arising from handling clinical waste and soiled laundry. The management should also ensure that there are clear and sufficient guidelines laid down for the safe handling, storage, segregation, spillage control and disposal to reduce the risk of biological hazards.
Electrical safety should also be taken care of by ensuring that all electrical equipment are installed and maintained by a professional. It's also very important that the fixed system is inspected and tested after a specific period of time by a qualified electrician. All electrical and mechanical machines should be examined at a frequency appropriate to the danger. frequent maintenance should be carried to check for general wear and tear and ensuring that sockets, plugs and leads are in good conditions and that there are no exposed electrical wires and when a problem is detected corrective action has to be taken immediately.
If there's gas installation or gas appliances installed they must be highly maintained in order to prevent risk of injury to any person. Also if there is any room where there is a gas appliance for example a boiler or a heater and the room can be used or is being used for sleeping, dining. Etc. then the appliances should be checked for safety regularly. It's also important to keep a record book of the appliances in respect to the date of inspection, defects identified and action taken.
It's also important to ensure that medicines and drugs are safely secured under lock and key in order to prevent accidental takings and they should also be administered by a professional
Floor, corridors and stairs should be always kept free from obstructions. In order to ensure safety in care home ashbourne, floor covering and route ways should be highly maintained and it's also important to ensure all areas are well lit. Also, stairs should be fixed with handrails on both sides. Floor should be kept dry always and spillages should be cleaned up immediately. It's also important to ensure that all water systems are in good condition and that they are regularly checked.