Diabetes Symptoms In Men And Women: Some Considerations
Early diabetes signs can be elusive or even seemingly benign. Diabetes can be for a long period and not have the symptoms for years. Realizing what potential diabetes symptoms are can as well initiate proper treatment proceedings early. Following are some quite common and most crucial symptoms that indicate signs for diabetes.
Frequent Urination
An increase of glucose in blood causes excessive urination. Insufficient insulin or the lack of it can prevent the kidneys to filter the glucose back to the blood. This causes them to start the process of extracting the excess water out of the blood to dilute the glucose. Hence, the bladder stays full causing frequent urination.
Intense Thirst
The process of dehydration leading to unquenchable thirst is quite a common symptom in diabetes. The kidneys start to extract excess water out from the blood to filter the glucose which causes immense water loss from the body. Hence, theres an excess urge to drink water frequently which is indicated by thirst which does not abate easily.
Fatigue and Weakness
Insulin allows the glucose extracted from food to enter the cells of the body. Thus facilitates energy generation which is highly important to sustain life. When there is reduced insulin formation, the glucose tends to stay out of the cells in the blood. Cells of the body hence become quite energy starved which can make you feel weak and tired.
Loss of weight
This kind of symptom is associated with Type 1 diabetes. In this the pancreas stops making insulin since an autoimmune response causes the body to attack these cells. Since the cells of the body do not receive sufficient glucose the energy source tends to decrease. This causes the body to breakdown muscle tissue and fat for energy. This process however takes place due to increased resistance to insulin which occurs gradually in Type 2 diabetes.
Symptoms of diabetes in women have become extremely common these days. There are several symptoms which is more prone to sexual and hormonal disorders. Complications like yeast infections and other sexual diseases are seen more in women. Obesity is also one of the conditions that make women more prone towards diabetes symptoms.