Tips on How to Cope After Your Marriage Ends Up in Divorce
Regardless of whether or not you were the one who initiated the divorce, divorce is emotionally catastrophic and mentally draining.
Divorce changes ones life and depending on how one choose to deal with it, it can have a very devastating impact on the lives of ones friends and family.
As frustrating as divorce can be, it's important that one keeps a positive attitude and looks up to a brighter future and new beginning.
Here are a few tips that are helpful when it comes to coping with a divorce.
Chances are that you might end up losing some of your mutual friends as a result of the divorce, but don't let that get to you.
It's only normal that some of your friends might have a conflict of interest, and have a loyalty to your ex, especially if they knew your ex first.
When the emotional stress is too much for you to handle don't be afraid to get professional help from a skilled counselor who is experienced in the stages and process of divorce.
You might feel tempted to lock yourself up and throw a pity party for yourself, but whatever happens, don't isolate your self.
Make sure you surround yourself with your loved ones and participate in social activities.
This will lift your spirit up and help you feel so much better.
Never ever turn to food, alcohol or drugs as a way to ease your pain.
Those are just quick fixes that cause more damage than good.
Drinking or eating away your problems will not make the problem disappear.
Doing that just creates major problems such as obesity, alcoholism and drug addiction.
It's normal to experience feelings of loneliness and emptiness; while it may seem tempting to fill the void, don't jump into a new relationship too soon.
Give yourself time to heal.
Jumping into the next available relationship on the rebound does not help matters; it only makes things more complex.
It's important that you encourage and support your children's relationship with the other parent, never badmouth the other parent and don't force your children to decide where they want to live.
This puts them in a very awkward position and makes them feel like they have to take sides, which leaves them with feelings of guilt.
Remember that this is a very difficult time for your children, they need you now more than ever, and they need your support.
You might even need to provide them with some professional outside help such as counseling.
Don't be too hard on yourself, let things go.
Life is too short for you to spend on holding on to past disappointments, grief, anger, resentment and regret.
Work towards moving on and remember that this too shall come to pass and in time things will get better.