Information About Loan Modification Sites That Can Help Your Situation
The internet is always good for getting hard to find information, and there is no exception for loan modification.
There are enough sites out there to help even the most uninformed or unsure of homeowners.
On many of these sites, homeowners who have both been denied and accepted for loan modification can share their experiences dealing with individual lenders -- something you can't find anywhere else.
For example, someone looking to get a modification with Bank of America can see what other people are saying about the process and how loosely Bank of America adheres to their requirements.
Anyone trying to deal with any lender can do the same thing.
Besides personal experience, it is also possible to get professional advice on filling out the application, writing the hardship letter, and negotiating with lenders from loan modification sites.
It's no secret that trying to get a modification on a mortgage is difficult, and the advice gotten from any number of sites has made all the difference in thousands of borrower's applications.
The one true downside to loan modification sites is that there is no guarantee on the information, and what worked for one person way not work for another.
Most of the advice and information online that is free is from homeowners, not professionals.
And it's very easy to get things wrong or to claim understanding of the process when there really is none.
There are free loan modification sites run by professionals, and their information is generally sound.
However, most of the advice they give is general and not specific.
Professionals make a lot of money consulting and helping homeowners and they are not about to lose money by helping out anonymous people on the internet, unless they feel they might be able to convince them to use their firm to negotiate with a lender.
Lenders themselves do have websites pertaining to their loan modification programs, and some of them even host the requirements for approval.
However, the only real point of these sites is to actually apply for the modification.
Many lenders do host streamlined applications to fill out that can take some of the stress off your mind, but in general it is better to apply via mail or fax to ensure that a real person gets your application and it's not written off by underlining software that weeds out those who do not exactly fit the requirements.
The long and the short of it is, there are thousands -- maybe hundreds -- of loan modification sites out there.
Just some of them don't have the best information.