What to Use to Get Highlights at Home
- Lemon juice has great bleaching power. Mixx half water and half lemon juice in a spray bottle. Distribute the lemon juice throughout your hair and sit in the sun to activate the lemons' bleaching capabilities. Stay in the sun for up to 45 minutes before rinsing your hair. Condition your hair afterward as lemon may leave it a little bit dry. This will lighten any natural highlights, making them more vivid.
- Soak your hair in chamomile tea. This works for any hair color but is especially effective for blonde and red hair. Brew up a batch of chamomile tea and let it fully cool to room temperature. Strain the tea to get rid of any seeds or debris. Soak your hair with the chamomile tea using a large bowl or a spray bottle. Then wrap your hair in a shower cap to contain the moisture. Allow the tea to sit in your hair for approximately half an hour before rinsing.
- Streak your hair with hydrogen peroxide. Peroxide lightens hair a little more drastically then the previous methods. Applying peroxide to all of your hair can lighten your its overall appearance but for highlights it's best to use aluminum foil. Apply peroxide to the sections of hair you'd like highlighted and wrap the hair in aluminum foil. Heat activates hydrogen peroxide, so use a blow dryer for five to 10 minutes to heat the foil. Wait another 15 to 25 minutes before rinsing.