Top 10 Ways to Evade Morning Sickness
If you are pregnant, congratulations! But if you are experiencing nausea, that's ok! Morning sickness is a common condition experienced by most pregnant women.
It usually occurs on the first trimester of pregnancy.
It may not have a quick cure but you can live with it.
The following 10 tips are ways to manage your morning sickness: 1.
Eat the right amount at the right time.
Leaving your stomach empty increases morning sickness.
(And it deprives your baby of some essential nutrients, too.
) 2.
Keep soda crackers within your reach at all times.
Eating some after you wake up prepares your stomach for bigger loads.
Avoid fatty, fried, spicy, and acidic foods as much as possible.
If you can't, eat just a little.
Buy and eat more foods rich in B vitamins.
The "B" is for Better nausea management.
Go for ginger.
Have some ginger tea, ginger ale, or gingersnaps.
You can make it your secret ingredient to your recipes, too.
Try natural remedies like papaya enzyme or acupressure wristbands.
You can't go wrong with natural stuff.
Consume lots of water.
The minimum required is eight glasses a day.
Try to take more, especially in between meals.
You can also experiment on drinking sparkling water with a lemon slice for flavor.
Take your medications with food.
If you forgot about tip #1, then this is a reminder.
Unless you are anemic, don't take iron supplements.
It can be hard on your stomach.
You don't need more pain in your pregnancy.
Stay healthy.
Get some exercise and eat nourishing food.
Don't let morning sickness take your mind off your soon-to-be-born baby.
Just keep in mind that as long as you avoid the common triggers for nausea, you can consider your pregnancy as one of the best things that happens in your life.
It usually occurs on the first trimester of pregnancy.
It may not have a quick cure but you can live with it.
The following 10 tips are ways to manage your morning sickness: 1.
Eat the right amount at the right time.
Leaving your stomach empty increases morning sickness.
(And it deprives your baby of some essential nutrients, too.
) 2.
Keep soda crackers within your reach at all times.
Eating some after you wake up prepares your stomach for bigger loads.
Avoid fatty, fried, spicy, and acidic foods as much as possible.
If you can't, eat just a little.
Buy and eat more foods rich in B vitamins.
The "B" is for Better nausea management.
Go for ginger.
Have some ginger tea, ginger ale, or gingersnaps.
You can make it your secret ingredient to your recipes, too.
Try natural remedies like papaya enzyme or acupressure wristbands.
You can't go wrong with natural stuff.
Consume lots of water.
The minimum required is eight glasses a day.
Try to take more, especially in between meals.
You can also experiment on drinking sparkling water with a lemon slice for flavor.
Take your medications with food.
If you forgot about tip #1, then this is a reminder.
Unless you are anemic, don't take iron supplements.
It can be hard on your stomach.
You don't need more pain in your pregnancy.
Stay healthy.
Get some exercise and eat nourishing food.
Don't let morning sickness take your mind off your soon-to-be-born baby.
Just keep in mind that as long as you avoid the common triggers for nausea, you can consider your pregnancy as one of the best things that happens in your life.