Armpit Sweat Pads - To Rant Or Rave Against Armpit Sweat Pads?
It is sweating even on cool conditions.
This may be due to physiological processes, psychological stresses or merely due to the lack of good personal hygiene.
Have you tried using deodorants, creams and lotions that are specifically made to control a person's sweating problem? If the answer is yes, but you continue with saying that it wasn't effective for you, then you should look at the other treatment alternatives as well.
You shouldn't stop if you feel like nothing will work for you.
Armpit sweat pads are one of the most obvious and commonly selected choices by people who suffer from this condition.
They are one of those quick-fix remedies especially invented for people who sweat a lot.
These armpit sweat pads come in different sizes, shapes and brands so as to give you more choices to pick from.
There are the disposable ones that of course you can throw away after use and there are those that can be sewn into your clothes.
Sweat pads for the underarms is a discreet way of hiding your sweating problem.
Although it is not the ultimate cure, it will give you ample time to discover and figure out the way on how you could stop it completely.
There is this notion that sweaty underarms mean a person has bad hygiene habits.
This is not all true.
Sometimes it is just because of the overstimulation of the sweat glands, which result to the excessive sweating.
Because of this notion, people who tend to over sweat and acquire sweat stains on their shirts shun away from public events due to the idea that they feel humiliated.
Armpit sweat pads cover up the sweat stains which in turn creates this illusion that you don't have sweaty underarms.
Not only does it hide the evidence of sweating, but at the same time, it also hides as well or limits the leakage of body odor.
See? It's a product that kills two birds with one stone.
It hides evidence of both the sweat and the bad smell.
A major disadvantage to this is the fact that it provides only a temporary solution to the problem.
It doesn't eliminate the cause of over sweating or it doesn't get rid of excessive sweating completely.
It's just there to soak up the sweat.