Breast Implants Facts
For centuries women first tried to improve what they naturally had, and the attention that they got from men made all the pain more worth it.
They first tried to wear padded clothing, but this only worked until the clothes came off and then the fraud was discovered.
The first implant was performed in 1895AD and the substances which were used for this left a lot to be desired.
It wasn't until 1961 that silicone was used for breast implants.
The saline implants followed in 1964.
Other substances were also developed, but none are as commonly used today as saline and silicone.
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons the breast augmentation is one of the most common types of surgeries that are being sought out? 329,000 breast augmentations were done in 2006 alone.
This surgery only takes and hour or two to complete mostly.
The visits between patient and surgeon before the surgery are usually spent discussing the type of procedure that will be used.
The differences are in the type of implant, the incision that's required and where the placement of the actual implant will be made.
these factors will have an impact on the final appearance of your breasts.
Normal routine life is established within a week after surgery.
which really depends on what it is that you are doing and the level of activity needed.
the scar will most likely be visible six weeks or even a few months.
The scars usually will fade after some time.
Choosing between Saline and Silicone implants For those who don't know, saline implants are just empty shells, they are surgically placed into the breast and then pumped with a salt water solution.
this helps to place the implant better, and the incision can be very small too.
so the smaller the incision, the smaller the scar.
Unlike larger incision for a silicone implant which will only make a larger scar.
The silicone implant is a cover or envelope containing a silicone substance.
This implant requires a larger incision for its placement.
Saline implants can give you quality results, but there are cosmetic issues to think about.
If you have thin tissue you may end up having a wrinkling or ripple.
You may even be able to notice that there is an implant by either sight or touch.
Women with more breast tissue don't generally have this issue.
It's for this reason that most surgeons prefer the silicone implant for post-mastectomy reconstruction.
When it comes to using implants, silicone implants are more commonly used outside of the states then Saline, considering that they are simply more realistic in appearance and in touch.
You'll need to keep in mind that that there are many health concerns to have when it comes to a leaking silicone.
You may have a reason for concern and also a reason to go out and do some of your own research, because you don't want to put yourself at serious risk.
Something you should know is that breast implants do not last forever.
You should know about this before you get the implants.
Often you will need to get implant repair or even a replacement to keep the implants from rupturing or deflating.
Often deflating and rupture are common in order implants.
Whatever type of breast implant you choose, there are good chances that you'll need corrective surgery in your lifetime.
If there are any complications, you should know that there are going to be additional surgeries required.
These could be minor or major complications which can occur after any surgery.
Other things which may require additional surgery include capsular constracture treatment and to repair any ripples or wrinkles in the implant which might be showing.
If you need breast reconstruction, you should know about your likelihood of needing multiple surgeries.
Mastectomy results in drastic changes in the soft tissue and anatomical borders, multiple surgeries are often the only choice.
It's also common for breast cancer patients to undergo several surgeries.
The Procedures required to reconstruct the nipple-areola complex and to achieve symmetry with the remaining breast are done in planned stages.
Matching the size and type of implant with the patient's soft-tissue characteristics provides more successful results.
These results provide the most aesthetically pleasing appearance and reduces the chances of ripples and wrinkles in the implant from showing.
You'll need to choose the correct breast implant that best suites your needs and you will also want to think about a size and the best surgical procedure which will allow you to be satisfied with your results and to keep additional surgeries to a minimum.
Facts about Incisions and Scaring from Breast augmentations.
As with any surgery there will be scars, but most breast augmentations will heal well.
there's only a 6% chance that you may have some undesirable scaring.
You'll want to think about the chances that you are putting yourself in and then consider your options before you make any rash decisions.
There are many factors which determine the extent of the scaring.
Some of the factors include whether the patient is a smoker or not, the tissue quality, ethnicity, suture material, tension to wound, and tissue trauma.
you should also know that your own likeliness of recovering quickly will also make a different in rather or not you have a favorable healing.
The type of incision will also affects the amount and visibility of scaring.
The type of planned incision should be discussed with your surgeon prior to the procedure.
The inframammary incision is one of the most common incisions for the silicone gel implants.
This affords maximum access for precise dissection and placement of an implant.
The incision is placed below the breast in the infra-mammary fold.
The fact is that it can leave a visible scar for those who have smaller breasts, because they do not drape over the IMF properly.
Transaxillary incisions are placed in the armpit.
This is what is needed in order for the implants to be placed inside the breast without any visible scars.
It's also more likely to consistently achieve symmetry of the inferior implant position.
The areolar border is where the periareolar incisions are placed.
You will find that when it comes to placement, the incision is placed around the inferior half of the circumference pertaining to the areola.
You will want to keep in mind that the length of the incision required for silicone implants, it can be hard to use this method of implanting.
You will find that the scares are less visible when a woman has some lighter areolar pigment.
Keep in mind that this incision will also increase the capsular contracture.
They first tried to wear padded clothing, but this only worked until the clothes came off and then the fraud was discovered.
The first implant was performed in 1895AD and the substances which were used for this left a lot to be desired.
It wasn't until 1961 that silicone was used for breast implants.
The saline implants followed in 1964.
Other substances were also developed, but none are as commonly used today as saline and silicone.
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons the breast augmentation is one of the most common types of surgeries that are being sought out? 329,000 breast augmentations were done in 2006 alone.
This surgery only takes and hour or two to complete mostly.
The visits between patient and surgeon before the surgery are usually spent discussing the type of procedure that will be used.
The differences are in the type of implant, the incision that's required and where the placement of the actual implant will be made.
these factors will have an impact on the final appearance of your breasts.
Normal routine life is established within a week after surgery.
which really depends on what it is that you are doing and the level of activity needed.
the scar will most likely be visible six weeks or even a few months.
The scars usually will fade after some time.
Choosing between Saline and Silicone implants For those who don't know, saline implants are just empty shells, they are surgically placed into the breast and then pumped with a salt water solution.
this helps to place the implant better, and the incision can be very small too.
so the smaller the incision, the smaller the scar.
Unlike larger incision for a silicone implant which will only make a larger scar.
The silicone implant is a cover or envelope containing a silicone substance.
This implant requires a larger incision for its placement.
Saline implants can give you quality results, but there are cosmetic issues to think about.
If you have thin tissue you may end up having a wrinkling or ripple.
You may even be able to notice that there is an implant by either sight or touch.
Women with more breast tissue don't generally have this issue.
It's for this reason that most surgeons prefer the silicone implant for post-mastectomy reconstruction.
When it comes to using implants, silicone implants are more commonly used outside of the states then Saline, considering that they are simply more realistic in appearance and in touch.
You'll need to keep in mind that that there are many health concerns to have when it comes to a leaking silicone.
You may have a reason for concern and also a reason to go out and do some of your own research, because you don't want to put yourself at serious risk.
Something you should know is that breast implants do not last forever.
You should know about this before you get the implants.
Often you will need to get implant repair or even a replacement to keep the implants from rupturing or deflating.
Often deflating and rupture are common in order implants.
Whatever type of breast implant you choose, there are good chances that you'll need corrective surgery in your lifetime.
If there are any complications, you should know that there are going to be additional surgeries required.
These could be minor or major complications which can occur after any surgery.
Other things which may require additional surgery include capsular constracture treatment and to repair any ripples or wrinkles in the implant which might be showing.
If you need breast reconstruction, you should know about your likelihood of needing multiple surgeries.
Mastectomy results in drastic changes in the soft tissue and anatomical borders, multiple surgeries are often the only choice.
It's also common for breast cancer patients to undergo several surgeries.
The Procedures required to reconstruct the nipple-areola complex and to achieve symmetry with the remaining breast are done in planned stages.
Matching the size and type of implant with the patient's soft-tissue characteristics provides more successful results.
These results provide the most aesthetically pleasing appearance and reduces the chances of ripples and wrinkles in the implant from showing.
You'll need to choose the correct breast implant that best suites your needs and you will also want to think about a size and the best surgical procedure which will allow you to be satisfied with your results and to keep additional surgeries to a minimum.
Facts about Incisions and Scaring from Breast augmentations.
As with any surgery there will be scars, but most breast augmentations will heal well.
there's only a 6% chance that you may have some undesirable scaring.
You'll want to think about the chances that you are putting yourself in and then consider your options before you make any rash decisions.
There are many factors which determine the extent of the scaring.
Some of the factors include whether the patient is a smoker or not, the tissue quality, ethnicity, suture material, tension to wound, and tissue trauma.
you should also know that your own likeliness of recovering quickly will also make a different in rather or not you have a favorable healing.
The type of incision will also affects the amount and visibility of scaring.
The type of planned incision should be discussed with your surgeon prior to the procedure.
The inframammary incision is one of the most common incisions for the silicone gel implants.
This affords maximum access for precise dissection and placement of an implant.
The incision is placed below the breast in the infra-mammary fold.
The fact is that it can leave a visible scar for those who have smaller breasts, because they do not drape over the IMF properly.
Transaxillary incisions are placed in the armpit.
This is what is needed in order for the implants to be placed inside the breast without any visible scars.
It's also more likely to consistently achieve symmetry of the inferior implant position.
The areolar border is where the periareolar incisions are placed.
You will find that when it comes to placement, the incision is placed around the inferior half of the circumference pertaining to the areola.
You will want to keep in mind that the length of the incision required for silicone implants, it can be hard to use this method of implanting.
You will find that the scares are less visible when a woman has some lighter areolar pigment.
Keep in mind that this incision will also increase the capsular contracture.