Three Issues to Consider Before Starting Kitchen Renovations or Loft Conversions
Two of the biggest home alteration projects are kitchen renovations and loft conversions. The good news is that most reputable construction firms are perfectly capable of completing both, which is useful since some of the challenges that face them are the similar in both.
For loft conversions in Bristol, for example, there can be issues over drainage and ventilation, with both requiring careful attention at the initial planning stage. And when it comes to kitchen fitters in Bristol, the same issues of ensuring a quality drainage system and adequate ventilation face them, with perhaps one or two more depending on the intended use of the loft.
Sufficient Drainage System
Amongst the key factors to consider is the drainage system that exists, and whether or not it will be sufficient. It is rarely thought of as significant by lay people, but in fact it is important enough to directly affect plans of any kitchen extension. After all, a host of kitchen appliances are reliant on adequate drainage to operate properly. A sink, for example, needs a drain to take the waste water away, as does a dishwasher. So, one of the first things to consider is where the underground drainage pipes lie, and what needs to be done to gain access to them. It can mean that intended places for appliances may have to be moved elsewhere. On the other hand, laying extra piping can also solve the problem, though it can create other complications.
When converting a loft, the drains are equally important, with alterations to the roof line requiring guttering to be laid appropriately. However, if a shower or toilet is to be added to the loft, then the drains from these facilities outside will have to connect with drain pipes, and this may affect where the shower or toilet is located.
Extraction Fans
It may be necessary to install extraction fans in the new kitchen, even if the new layout is bigger than the original and there are plenty of windows to open. Open windows do not always solve the ventilation problems when the home owner is constantly cooking over a stove.
Of course, these fans are generally part of an overall kitchen design, with the modern options sitting overhead above the stove, and often sporting a chimney in full view. It can add a rather grand look to the kitchen design, but there are practical issues that cannot be ignored. If the cooking area is situated close to widows, which can be opened whenever necessary, then there is no need for any additional fans.
However, in a loft adequate ventilation is essential, and the provision of dormer windows and skylights may not be enough. This is because in cold weather people tend to keep the windows closed, but by installing an extractor fan discretely on the wall, stale air can be pulled out of the room. Of course, if a small toilet or shower room is installed, then an extractor is certainly needed.
Kitchen Unit Plan
Not one for a loft conversion designer to worry about, unless a kitchen is to included in the loft itself. There is a general belief that so long as there is ample space provided, and the appliances are all working, that a kitchen has everything that is needed. But the importance of a workable kitchen plan cannot be underestimated.
This is where the working triangle theory comes into play. The triangle is formed by the general movement of someone in the kitchen. Typically, an island where meals are eaten on high stools, which sometimes incorporates the dishwasher and some shelves on the working side, is the pinnacle with everything else within a step or two on the left and right. What this means is that careful arrangement of appliances and storage facilities is important, with priority items within easy reach and the less used further away.
Of course, the kitchen is a unique room in any home, and kitchen fitters in Bristol should have the necessary experience and expertise to take on the job in the first place. For other building projects, like loft conversions, Bristol home owners should be similarly intent on getting experts in their field.
Happily though, the same construction company should be able to do both, even if loft conversions have their own particular challenges. Still, knowing what to look for is a useful thing for everyone.
For loft conversions in Bristol, for example, there can be issues over drainage and ventilation, with both requiring careful attention at the initial planning stage. And when it comes to kitchen fitters in Bristol, the same issues of ensuring a quality drainage system and adequate ventilation face them, with perhaps one or two more depending on the intended use of the loft.
Sufficient Drainage System
Amongst the key factors to consider is the drainage system that exists, and whether or not it will be sufficient. It is rarely thought of as significant by lay people, but in fact it is important enough to directly affect plans of any kitchen extension. After all, a host of kitchen appliances are reliant on adequate drainage to operate properly. A sink, for example, needs a drain to take the waste water away, as does a dishwasher. So, one of the first things to consider is where the underground drainage pipes lie, and what needs to be done to gain access to them. It can mean that intended places for appliances may have to be moved elsewhere. On the other hand, laying extra piping can also solve the problem, though it can create other complications.
When converting a loft, the drains are equally important, with alterations to the roof line requiring guttering to be laid appropriately. However, if a shower or toilet is to be added to the loft, then the drains from these facilities outside will have to connect with drain pipes, and this may affect where the shower or toilet is located.
Extraction Fans
It may be necessary to install extraction fans in the new kitchen, even if the new layout is bigger than the original and there are plenty of windows to open. Open windows do not always solve the ventilation problems when the home owner is constantly cooking over a stove.
Of course, these fans are generally part of an overall kitchen design, with the modern options sitting overhead above the stove, and often sporting a chimney in full view. It can add a rather grand look to the kitchen design, but there are practical issues that cannot be ignored. If the cooking area is situated close to widows, which can be opened whenever necessary, then there is no need for any additional fans.
However, in a loft adequate ventilation is essential, and the provision of dormer windows and skylights may not be enough. This is because in cold weather people tend to keep the windows closed, but by installing an extractor fan discretely on the wall, stale air can be pulled out of the room. Of course, if a small toilet or shower room is installed, then an extractor is certainly needed.
Kitchen Unit Plan
Not one for a loft conversion designer to worry about, unless a kitchen is to included in the loft itself. There is a general belief that so long as there is ample space provided, and the appliances are all working, that a kitchen has everything that is needed. But the importance of a workable kitchen plan cannot be underestimated.
This is where the working triangle theory comes into play. The triangle is formed by the general movement of someone in the kitchen. Typically, an island where meals are eaten on high stools, which sometimes incorporates the dishwasher and some shelves on the working side, is the pinnacle with everything else within a step or two on the left and right. What this means is that careful arrangement of appliances and storage facilities is important, with priority items within easy reach and the less used further away.
Of course, the kitchen is a unique room in any home, and kitchen fitters in Bristol should have the necessary experience and expertise to take on the job in the first place. For other building projects, like loft conversions, Bristol home owners should be similarly intent on getting experts in their field.
Happily though, the same construction company should be able to do both, even if loft conversions have their own particular challenges. Still, knowing what to look for is a useful thing for everyone.