My Ex is Ignoring Me - 1 Powerful Psychological Technique to Put a Stop to That Right Now!
You were begging, pleading and trying to get your ex to talk to you but you just made it worse unfortunately.
In the end, your ex probably got so annoyed with you that they just started ignoring your calls and all attempts at contact.
Didn't it seem though like the more you tried to contact them, the more they rejected you and the nastier they became to you? But the strangest thing is that you kept going back for more of the same.
I know because I did it too and I could not get why I was such a glutton for this punishment.
That was until I understood that it really was about human psychology and more importantly break up psychology.
Here's what I mean.
If someone rejects you, you are operating on the basis of the fear of losing that person forever so you will try everything in your power to hold on.
That is very natural response to the fear of losing someone dear to you.
But then you resort to the behavior described above and you end up realizing your fear.
In other words you end up annoying the person and pushing your ex so far away from you that it is just like you are hell bent on pushing them out of your life forever.
This is called a self-fulfilling prophecy.
So what about turning the situation around in your favour now that you know how this thing works? Why not just send them a short text or an email and say "Hello...
, you know, you were absolutely right.
The break-up has turned out to be for the best after all.
Good luck with everything!" Then you drop out of sight.
Now what have you done? You have used break-up psychology to YOUR advantage and now your ex fears losing YOU! Just sit back and watch the magic unfold.
Now that you have made this first, very powerful step, let me help you follow the process all the way through until you get your ex back.
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