Ego and Self-Image As Seen in Handwriting
The English language has the unique feature of the one single letter "I" (ppI) that represents the writer's ego.
Words are symbols by which we communicate.
Form, too is a language - think of a tall majestic redwood contrasted with a wispy willow.
Or, the form of a greyhound suggesting speed contrasted with the heaviness of a bulldog, suggesting power and tenacity.
Our body has a language apart from words or form.
How we walk, sit, gesture, is body language which mirrors our inner state of being.
Like body language, our strokes are forms in action.
Writing is crystallized body language.
We are symbol producing beings and through analyzing our symbols, we gain access to our unconscious.
For the ppI to be properly interpreted, it must be looked at in context of writing as a whole.
Strictly speaking, it cannot be evaluated alone; like the self, the ego symbol exists and finds its identity in its relation to the environment.
Nevertheless, the ppI can offer valuable clues to the inner personality even without such comparison, for basic graphological values and indicators contained in symbolism of zones and space can be reliably applied.
How the ppI is written and where it is placed on the paper reveal the writer's intimate attitudes about himself and others.
The signature - the public image, does not reveal the truth about a person, like the ppI does.
How your form your ppI can offer you a useful tool for assessing your private needs and values.
In revealing aspects of the inner self, it has a personal meaning beyond the ordinary fact that it denotes the writer.
It can also suggest harmonious or disturbing elements within a person's life.
It can reveal the importance of the male and female authority figures to the writer and how his relationship with these figures affects his present dealings.
Mind and body are not independent units or entities: expressive movements are embedded in the total complex of the personality.
Handwriting is so personal a gesture that imitating or forging is difficult to do, and writing speed and pressure cannot be duplicated.
Hand-writing is brain-writing.
Form or shape of the ppI provides information about the writers adaptability to the world, his orientations toward future or past, his interest in the spiritual, the material or reality.
Height of the ppI tells about the writer's self feelings, his degree of self-esteem and the respect he has for himself and his abilities.
Width of the ppI pertains to the writer's personal value system.
It reveals his sense of self worth and the importance he places on himself in relation to other people in his work place and in interpersonal relationships.
Any weakness in the form of the ppI corresponds to a deficiency in the writer's self-esteem.
Findings in the ppI should be corroborated by evidence from letter height and width.
If there is disagreement between letter height and height of the ppI, or between letter width and width of the ppI, there exists a personality conflict with subsequent frustration, tension or anxiety.
Physically, this creates nervousness while in behavior; it will be expressed as hostility, resistance or rigidity.
Clues to social and emotional inclinations are found in the slant of the ppI, as well as other letters.
If you ever had an interest in learning about handwriting analysis, learning about this single letter gives you the fastest way into understanding the psychology of yourself, and others.
Words are symbols by which we communicate.
Form, too is a language - think of a tall majestic redwood contrasted with a wispy willow.
Or, the form of a greyhound suggesting speed contrasted with the heaviness of a bulldog, suggesting power and tenacity.
Our body has a language apart from words or form.
How we walk, sit, gesture, is body language which mirrors our inner state of being.
Like body language, our strokes are forms in action.
Writing is crystallized body language.
We are symbol producing beings and through analyzing our symbols, we gain access to our unconscious.
For the ppI to be properly interpreted, it must be looked at in context of writing as a whole.
Strictly speaking, it cannot be evaluated alone; like the self, the ego symbol exists and finds its identity in its relation to the environment.
Nevertheless, the ppI can offer valuable clues to the inner personality even without such comparison, for basic graphological values and indicators contained in symbolism of zones and space can be reliably applied.
How the ppI is written and where it is placed on the paper reveal the writer's intimate attitudes about himself and others.
The signature - the public image, does not reveal the truth about a person, like the ppI does.
How your form your ppI can offer you a useful tool for assessing your private needs and values.
In revealing aspects of the inner self, it has a personal meaning beyond the ordinary fact that it denotes the writer.
It can also suggest harmonious or disturbing elements within a person's life.
It can reveal the importance of the male and female authority figures to the writer and how his relationship with these figures affects his present dealings.
Mind and body are not independent units or entities: expressive movements are embedded in the total complex of the personality.
Handwriting is so personal a gesture that imitating or forging is difficult to do, and writing speed and pressure cannot be duplicated.
Hand-writing is brain-writing.
Form or shape of the ppI provides information about the writers adaptability to the world, his orientations toward future or past, his interest in the spiritual, the material or reality.
Height of the ppI tells about the writer's self feelings, his degree of self-esteem and the respect he has for himself and his abilities.
Width of the ppI pertains to the writer's personal value system.
It reveals his sense of self worth and the importance he places on himself in relation to other people in his work place and in interpersonal relationships.
Any weakness in the form of the ppI corresponds to a deficiency in the writer's self-esteem.
Findings in the ppI should be corroborated by evidence from letter height and width.
If there is disagreement between letter height and height of the ppI, or between letter width and width of the ppI, there exists a personality conflict with subsequent frustration, tension or anxiety.
Physically, this creates nervousness while in behavior; it will be expressed as hostility, resistance or rigidity.
Clues to social and emotional inclinations are found in the slant of the ppI, as well as other letters.
If you ever had an interest in learning about handwriting analysis, learning about this single letter gives you the fastest way into understanding the psychology of yourself, and others.