Median Teacher Salary in Wisconsin
- Approximately 3,470 kindergarten teachers and 27,940 elementary school teachers were in Wisconsin in May 2009. Annual median wages for kindergarten teachers were $45,220. The 25th percentile earned $37,680 per year and the 75th percentile made $62,310 per year. Median wages for elementary school teachers were $50,600 per year, with the 25th percentile at $40,960 per year, and the 75th percentile at $61,170.
- Approximately 12,470 middle school teachers and 18,420 high school teachers were in Wisconsin in May 2009. The annual median salary for middle school teachers was $49,670, and for high school teachers, it was $48,650. In comparison to medians, the 25th percentile of middle school teachers earned $40,070 per year and the 75th percentile earned $61,420. The 25th percentile of high school teachers earned $39,030 per year and the 75th percentile earned $59,650 per year.
- Approximately 7,570 special education teachers were in Wisconsin in May 2009. Those who taught preschool, kindergarten and elementary school children earned annual median salaries of $49,450. Special education teachers in middle schools had an annual median of $48,690, and in high school, special education teachers had the highest median salary, at $52,760 per year.
- There were approximately 240 vocational education teachers in middle schools and 1,520 high school vocational education teachers in Wisconsin in May 2009. Annual median wages for vocational education teachers in middle school were $54,590. In high school, vocational education teachers earned less, with annual median wages of $47,900.