Female Attraction Tips - 3 Tips to Make Yourself MORE Attractive to a Woman
Female attraction is going to confuse most guys at first BECAUSE it is not LOGICAL. A woman does not run through any kind of a mental checklist and then decide whether or not she is going to let herself become attracted to a man. All she really knows is that she just is.
Hang around some women some time, and you will see that many women end up falling for guys that they know they should not. And yet, it just seems to happen. So, don't focus on making logical decisions to try and attract women. Learn how to make it just kind of happen instead.
Here are 3 female attraction tips to make yourself more attractive to a woman:
1. Create your own style and project that style when you are out looking to meet a woman.
One of the things that really gets women to notice you is when you *don't* look like every single guy that is out there. Kind of like if you live in an area where everyone drives Hondas and you drive a Nissan, you immediately will get attention, and not get lost in the crowd. People tend to zone out other people when they all start to look the same. If you go into most clubs or bars, you will usually see that most of the guys all pretty much have the same style. Have your own, and you WILL get noticed.
2. Body language is something that you have to pay attention to.
Now, this goes both ways. You have to make sure that your body language gives off the kind of impression that you want women to have of you, and also, you want to look at what HER body language is saying to you. A lot of rejection that men get is because of both their body language giving out the wrong vibe, AND, them not knowing how to read a woman's body language. You get a much better feel of how to approach a woman if you can read what her body language is giving away.
3. There has to be chemistry with a woman.
Ask any woman why they don't want to date a guy that seems to be perfect for them, and they will mention that they just don't FEEL that way about him. What a woman really means is that there is no chemistry there. To make a woman feel attraction, you have to know how to create chemistry with her, and you have to know how to make her feel like that chemistry is not something to ignore.
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