Exposure To Chemicals During Pregnancy
Being pregnant would often make you feel sensitive to everything around you. From how something looks like or how unpleasant a smell can be to you. There is nothing to be afraid of with these behavioral changes. In fact, you should also apply sensitivity to everything around you intellectually. In this term, we are referring to you to be more sensitive to chemical exposure during pregnancy.
Chemical exposure during pregnancy is often the root cause for developmental problems in babies while they are inside the womb or until they were taken out from the womb. Therefore, you should be aware what chemicals may pose risks to the health of the baby and of yours.
Cleaning items. Cleanliness of the home is very important. And in order to maintain the cleanliness of the house, we are aided with cleaning items that makes cleaning tasks easier to be accomplished. However, you should be wary of the chemicals that you use in cleaning the house. Some of them contains substances that may pose risk on pregnancy such as Triclosan, alkylphenol ethoxylates, volatile organic compounds (VOC).
Alkylphenol ethoxylates are known as endocrine disruptors, this means that they mimic or block human hormones. This chemical can be found on hair colors, spot removers and other hair care products. On the otherhand, examples of VOC are Xylenes and Tuolene. VOC are known to retarded growth, developmental and neurological problems to the baby while inside the womb.
Paints. Paints can be dangerous when it contains lead or mercury. These two substances may cause developmental problems to the baby.
Mercury. As we have mentioned earlier. Paints can cause pregnancy complications when it contains mercury or lead. But what is in mercury that it can be dangerous to one's health. Mercury even in small amount can cause health problems. It can lead to brain damage so as developmental problems. There are various sources of mercury at home and some of them are broken thermometers, fluorescent lights, latex paints and worn-out batteries. Mercury can also contaminate the air and water which poses high risks to some fish like tuna and king mackerel.
To maintain that healthy pregnancy glow, you need to make sure that you are taking good care of yourself. The tips above can give you some excellent ideas about how to maintain your health and the health of your baby over the nine months of pregnancy.