Teaching Kids Zone Defense in Basketball
- Zone defense isn’t suitable for every game a youth team plays. In preparation for a game, analyze the needs presented by the matchup before employing the zone. Zone defense helps, for example, if the opposing team has one or two fast-paced players whose speed makes them tough to defend. Using zone defense in most games, however can cause a team’s man-to-man defense skills to become sloppy.
- Zone defense is an alternative to man-to-man defense. Give youth players a decent foundation in the man-to-man first before moving on to teaching them zone defense. Man-to-man defense teaches young players how to stop attackers in half-court situations and to better guard the ball in general, according to the Better Basketball website. Players who don’t learn man-to-man defense may later struggle if the team’s zone defense fails.
- Communication is key, so encourage kids to talk to teammates as much as possible. Zone defense is about keeping up with the ball’s movement, so players must adjust their position relative to where the ball is going. Kids must try to minimize the space in the passing lanes by using their hands, too.
- It’s possible your kids will come up against other teams employing zone defense during games, so teach a few pointers about attacking the zone. Take advantage of the lack of a shot clock in youth basketball when working the ball on offense. Instruct your players to be patient and pass frequently and regularly to get a chance to take an open shot. Players in a zone will move frequently in reaction to the ball’s position. This will create areas of space where the defense is vulnerable. This is where attackers can move to penetrate the defense. Have kids watch for opportunities as defenders leave their zones, too.