How to Grow English Peas in a Tomato Cage
- 1). Cultivate a 9-square-foot space to a depth of 6 inches. Spread 3 inches of compost over the space and mix it into the soil. Place the tomato cage in the center of the prepared area.
- 2). Plant seeds individually 2 inches deep and spaced 2 inches apart around the perimeter of the tomato cage. Cover the seeds and water the soil to moisten it thoroughly.
- 3). Watch for the seeds to germinate. Remove the weakest plants when the seedlings reach 4 inches in height. Leave approximately eight plants around each cage. Feed the remaining seedlings with a low nitrogen fertilizer according to the directions on the packaging.
- 4). Train the seedlings to climb the cage by manipulating them gently, wrapping tendrils around the cage. Keep the pea plants growing upright and separated from one another to keep air circulation open.
- 5). Pinch off the tips of each plant with your fingernails once it reaches the height of the cage. Harvest pea pods when they are only 1 to 2 inches long for use in stir fry or salads. Allow the pods to grow 6 inches long before picking them if you intend to shell them.