White Trash Party Food Ideas
- No white trash party is complete without a few cheap beers.beer image by dethchimo from Fotolia.com
The term "white trash" usually represents all things tacky and unrefined. The people whom you'd refer to as white trash are stereotyped as those living in trailer parks and getting caught up in ridiculous debauchery. For your next party, you have decided to indulge in this phenomena by throwing a white trash party. Aside from the decorations, costumes and games, you definitely want to prepare some white trash-appropriate food. - Your white trash party guests may come to the party with an empty stomach. Fill their bellies with some snacks, including pork rinds and greasy potato chips. Try making redneck nachos by gathering some tortilla chips and drizzling them with shredded cheddar cheese. Place the plate in the microwave for a minute or so until all the cheese melts. In terms of beverages, your older party guests can enjoy some whiskey mixed with juice from canned concentrates. Or, simply serve up some of the least expensive beer you can find. For non-alcoholic drinkers, simply serve some sugary kids' drinks in plastic or foam cups. You can also try serving some sparkling apple cider and tell those who drink it that you call it the "poor man's champagne."
- If you want to impress your trashy friends, serve them only the finest cuisine. Heat up some baked beans and then slice up some hot dogs and stir them in with the beans. Serve the hot mixture in baked bean cans. Or, have a redneck cookout by serving up some hamburgers and barbecue ribs along with corn on the cob. To make the event extra trashy, simply heat up some frozen dinners and hand the plastic trays to your guests when heated through. Try making some homemade chili with sides of cornbread and salt pork, if you want to add some Southern flare to your meal. You want the dinner to look somewhat cheap, but try your best to make it taste great.
- In keeping with your white trash theme, you want your desserts to look cheap. You want to make desserts that leave out certain traditional ingredients in favor of cheaper food stuffs. For instance, instead of making a regular pie, ground up some graham crackers and place them on the bottom of a pie pan. Add on top of it some instant pudding. Place it in the refrigerator for an hour or two until it gets cold. The "pie" will hardly hold its position when you serve it, but that only lends itself to your party theme. For smaller desserts, give your party guests snack cakes bought from the store and serve them with the wrappers still on.