How to Attract Women - Flirting Secrets Every Man NEEDS to Know
If you want to know what flirting secrets really work to make a woman feel nothing but attraction for you, then you have to understand a bit about the whole dating and mating game.
Here are some flirting secrets that should help you discover how to attract women easily without all of the trial and error: 1.
When flirting with a woman, you have to be relaxed.
Guys that are tense and worried about every little thing that they do or say have a terrible time when it comes to flirting with a woman and you can get rid of that awkward feeling just by becoming relaxed when you are flirting with her.
You may not realize this, but a woman has an intuition that can easily pick up on whether or not you are tense around her, and when she sense that you are, it lowers your perceived value to her, and her attraction for you.
When flirting with a woman, you have to be able to chat her up.
Being too quiet can easily kill any chances that you have with a woman, especially if it forces her to do all of the talking.
You don't have to be a master of conversation to chat up a girl and make her have fun talking with you.
You just have to be able to get the conversation flowing, keep it interesting, and fun.
Otherwise, she just might lose interest in you pretty quickly.
The best kept flirting secret that most men are not aware of is that women LOVE to flirt.
Even the shy and quiet ones will appreciate it when you can show her that she can have fun flirting with you.
After all, what person does not like to be flirted with? Some guys assume that they have to get a lot of signals from a woman first before they can start flirting with a woman, but you are not going to get the signals that you desire if you don't start flirting with her to begin with.
You have to be the man and make the move with a woman.