Can Bitter Melon Really Fight Breast Cancer? Find Out
According to the latest study, bitter melon extract is said to block breast cancer causing cells in women.
But how far this holds the truth is yet to be proven.
So, before we come to any conclusion, its better for us to know first, what is this bitter melon all about.
Bitter melon or say, bitter gourd is the name of a tropical fruit, found very commonly in India, China and South America.
This fruit is a rich source in vitamin C and flavanoids and well known for its potential to fight against diabetes and blood-sugar.
Since ancient times, bitter melon has been used as a natural medicine for diabetes and the good part of it is that it has proven to be really effective.
Normally, it is consumed in the form of juice and cooked as a vegetable in India.
In Hindi language, it is also known as 'karela'.
But if we take the matter from another aspect, then there are some scientists who are quite reluctant to claim the efficacy and safety of this tropical fruit.
Study co-author Dr Rajesh Agarwal from the University of Colorado, US, said: "Breast cancer is a major killer among women around the world, and in that perspective, results from this study are quite significant.
This study may provide us with one more agent as an extract that could be used against breast cancer if additional studies hold true.
Although promising as an anti-cancer agent, trials in animals and then humans are still needed.
" And there is no evidence that sufficient consumption of bitter melon would offer any cancer protection, he said.
Jessica Harris of Cancer Research UK said: "Many plant chemicals can kill cancer cells in the lab but very few end up as useful cancer drugs.
It will take a lot more work and trials in people before we know if this extract could benefit cancer patients or about any unwanted side effects.
Many cancer treatments have been developed from plant chemicals, but only after years of thorough research.
The most up-to-date, reliable evidence shows that drinking less alcohol, being physically active and keeping a healthy weight can reduce the risk of breast cancer.
" But despite all the researches, claims and doubts, one thing that could be done is that the bitter melon extract could be used as a dietary supplement for breast cancer sufferers to put an end to the recurrence of the disease.
But how far this holds the truth is yet to be proven.
So, before we come to any conclusion, its better for us to know first, what is this bitter melon all about.
Bitter melon or say, bitter gourd is the name of a tropical fruit, found very commonly in India, China and South America.
This fruit is a rich source in vitamin C and flavanoids and well known for its potential to fight against diabetes and blood-sugar.
Since ancient times, bitter melon has been used as a natural medicine for diabetes and the good part of it is that it has proven to be really effective.
Normally, it is consumed in the form of juice and cooked as a vegetable in India.
In Hindi language, it is also known as 'karela'.
But if we take the matter from another aspect, then there are some scientists who are quite reluctant to claim the efficacy and safety of this tropical fruit.
Study co-author Dr Rajesh Agarwal from the University of Colorado, US, said: "Breast cancer is a major killer among women around the world, and in that perspective, results from this study are quite significant.
This study may provide us with one more agent as an extract that could be used against breast cancer if additional studies hold true.
Although promising as an anti-cancer agent, trials in animals and then humans are still needed.
" And there is no evidence that sufficient consumption of bitter melon would offer any cancer protection, he said.
Jessica Harris of Cancer Research UK said: "Many plant chemicals can kill cancer cells in the lab but very few end up as useful cancer drugs.
It will take a lot more work and trials in people before we know if this extract could benefit cancer patients or about any unwanted side effects.
Many cancer treatments have been developed from plant chemicals, but only after years of thorough research.
The most up-to-date, reliable evidence shows that drinking less alcohol, being physically active and keeping a healthy weight can reduce the risk of breast cancer.
" But despite all the researches, claims and doubts, one thing that could be done is that the bitter melon extract could be used as a dietary supplement for breast cancer sufferers to put an end to the recurrence of the disease.