5 Simple & Natural Ways to Minimize Your Heartburn and Indigestion Symptoms
In the hectic rush of today's lifestyle, where work, family and personal commitments pull our heads in a million directions - it is rare we ever sit down and eat for the sake of enjoying the meal and giving our body the proper nourishment it deserves.
Amongst other factors that contribute to indigestion, lifestyle factors play the largest role.
Yes, there are common over-the-counter ailments such as antacids and acid-reducing medicines to help cope with the symptoms.
And yes, they work.
However, reliance on medical supplies as an afterthought for a poor lifestyle habits is not the definition of looking after yourself.
Your body deserves better! You deserve better! This article will provide some very simple and practical prevention tips to minimize indigestion.
But first, here is background information about indigestion and heartburn.
INDIGESTION VS HEARTBURN 'Indigestion' is an umbrella term, referring to any number of gastrointestinal complaints from eating or drinking.
These include:
The burning feeling associated with heartburn occurs when acid from the stomach flows back up your oesophagus and thereby irritating the lining along the way.
Usually, a specific muscular valve prevents the acidic contents in the stomach from returning back up your oesophagus.
However, in instances where the valve does not close properly, this will often trigger the symptoms of heartburn.
The symptoms you may already be familiar with include:
Changing you eating habits Take the time to slow down at the table and chew properly so that your stomach can work less at breaking up large chunks of food.
Also avoid doing any active exercise after a large meal whilst food is still digesting in the stomach.
Going for a light stroll however will aid digestion instead of slumping or lying down after a heavy meal.
Lying in a horizontal position will encourage stomach contents to tip back up into the oesophagus, increasing the risk of reflux.
Changing you choice of foods Eat less rich, fatty and spicy foods can help minimize your chances of getting heartburn and reflux problems.
Other foods to eat less of include chocolate and peppermint.
Increase your dietary intake of fibre.
If you are able to identify certain foods which particularly bring on indigestion, minimize on these foods too.
It may take a bit of discipline at first but can definitely avoid potentially severe GORD (gastro-oesophageal reflux disease) symptoms later on! 3.
Changing your drinking habits This includes reducing your alcohol and caffeine consumption.
Both of these increase the likelihood of worsening or triggering indigestion symptoms.
Choice of clothing Wearing tight-waisted bands or belts can literally squeeze the stomach and increase the likelihood for reflux to occur.
Therefore try wearing loose clothing around the waist area for greater comfort whilst eating and better functioning of your stomach whilst digesting your meal.
Find 'Self-Time' to rejuvenate Stress and anxiety drastically break down your immune function and increase the risk of stomach ulcers which can cause indigestion.
Despite feeling like there is absolutely no time in the day to yourself even to finish a cup of coffee in one sitting, it is crucial to make the time available to relax and find practical ways to take away stress.
Learning and practising relaxation and breathing techniques can really make a huge difference in managing stress levels, giving your mind and body the recharge in needs in order to power through your other commitments more efficiently.
Amongst other factors that contribute to indigestion, lifestyle factors play the largest role.
Yes, there are common over-the-counter ailments such as antacids and acid-reducing medicines to help cope with the symptoms.
And yes, they work.
However, reliance on medical supplies as an afterthought for a poor lifestyle habits is not the definition of looking after yourself.
Your body deserves better! You deserve better! This article will provide some very simple and practical prevention tips to minimize indigestion.
But first, here is background information about indigestion and heartburn.
INDIGESTION VS HEARTBURN 'Indigestion' is an umbrella term, referring to any number of gastrointestinal complaints from eating or drinking.
These include:
- Gas (belching, flatulence, or bloating)
- Abdominal pain or cramping
- Nausea and loss of appetite
- An upset stomach
The burning feeling associated with heartburn occurs when acid from the stomach flows back up your oesophagus and thereby irritating the lining along the way.
Usually, a specific muscular valve prevents the acidic contents in the stomach from returning back up your oesophagus.
However, in instances where the valve does not close properly, this will often trigger the symptoms of heartburn.
The symptoms you may already be familiar with include:
- painful burning feeling in the centre of the upper abdomen or chest, and can extend up to back of your throat
- a 'lump' feeling deep in your throat
- an acidic, sour or bitter taste in your mouth
- regurgitation of food or fluid back into you mouth
Changing you eating habits Take the time to slow down at the table and chew properly so that your stomach can work less at breaking up large chunks of food.
Also avoid doing any active exercise after a large meal whilst food is still digesting in the stomach.
Going for a light stroll however will aid digestion instead of slumping or lying down after a heavy meal.
Lying in a horizontal position will encourage stomach contents to tip back up into the oesophagus, increasing the risk of reflux.
Changing you choice of foods Eat less rich, fatty and spicy foods can help minimize your chances of getting heartburn and reflux problems.
Other foods to eat less of include chocolate and peppermint.
Increase your dietary intake of fibre.
If you are able to identify certain foods which particularly bring on indigestion, minimize on these foods too.
It may take a bit of discipline at first but can definitely avoid potentially severe GORD (gastro-oesophageal reflux disease) symptoms later on! 3.
Changing your drinking habits This includes reducing your alcohol and caffeine consumption.
Both of these increase the likelihood of worsening or triggering indigestion symptoms.
Choice of clothing Wearing tight-waisted bands or belts can literally squeeze the stomach and increase the likelihood for reflux to occur.
Therefore try wearing loose clothing around the waist area for greater comfort whilst eating and better functioning of your stomach whilst digesting your meal.
Find 'Self-Time' to rejuvenate Stress and anxiety drastically break down your immune function and increase the risk of stomach ulcers which can cause indigestion.
Despite feeling like there is absolutely no time in the day to yourself even to finish a cup of coffee in one sitting, it is crucial to make the time available to relax and find practical ways to take away stress.
Learning and practising relaxation and breathing techniques can really make a huge difference in managing stress levels, giving your mind and body the recharge in needs in order to power through your other commitments more efficiently.