Finding Ways to Save The Marriage
Lesson 1: Talk
Communication is often the first thing that breaks down in a marriage, and it is not uncommon for the marriage to fall apart simply because the spouses refuse to speak with one another. At some point, one individual will need to stand up and strike up the first conversation. For either member this will require swallowing some pride, which is undoubtedly not the preferred way. That said, you need to be willing to make some sacrifices.
Lesson 2: Listen
Talking is important, but in order to save the marriage, someone will actually have to listen. Listening can be just as difficult as talking, and learning to listen without making constant assumptions will be the hardest part. You need to have an open mind whether you believe you are right or not. Marriage is a partnership, and both parties need to be open to communication.
Lesson 3: Understand
Talking and listening should be combined with understanding. At some point you will need to drop your conceptions regarding what is going on in the relationship and try to open your mind. of course you could be right about everything, and that is not unheard of, but can you work through it? There are many ways to save marriage, and understanding is one of the most critical.
Lesson 4: Step Outside of your Comfort Zone
If you want to find ways to save the marriage , then you may need to step outside of your comfort zone. You may need to be willing to share, and you need to be willing to display emotions that you might not have been willing to disclose before the marriage began to fall apart. As we said, you may not be incredibly comfortable with this, but if you want to save the marriage, sacrifices need to be made.
Lesson 5: Be Willing to Change
You've heard the age old saying: You knew who I was when you married me. This might be true to an extent, but there are certain things you should be willing to change. For example if you have a tendency to stay out all night, you should probably leave that behind along with your single life. There may be other habits that are not conducive to a good marriage, and you will need to make sure you can leave them behind as well.
If you want to save the marriage, you will need to be ready to put some work into it. Is this going to be easy? Absolutely not, but it will be well worth it if you truly love your significant other. Start thinking about the steps we have listed, and consider just how you might incorporate them into married life. It won't be a picnic, but you can at least bring a basket.