Discover Heat Solar Panels
Probably everybody knows about regular solar panels or PV panels which transform light directly into electricity.
However most of the sun energy comes in the form of heat, not light.
That's where another solar energy option came up from.
There are special type of solar panels which transform sun's energy into heat, not electricity.
It allows you to save money on hot water also you will spend less (or maybe even nothing) on heating your house in winter, if you buy a proper system.
Here is how heat solar panels work.
Sun heats up special panel and water or special antifreeze liquid grabs heat from the panel and transfers it to your water tank.
Your water tank instead of heating up the cold water heats up warm water and you save money on your bill.
Warmth from heat solar panels can also be used to warm up your house in winter.
But keep in mind that if you are going to use such system in cold winters that you need an antifreeze liquid running there, not water, because water will freeze during the night and damage your panel.
If you think that there is not enough sun energy during the winter months to heat anything think again.
Next winter look at your south facing roof and you will notice that if roof inclination angle is big enough (45 degrees or so) then it is free from snow, because snow melts down and falls from the roof.
There are another factors to keep in mind.
First of all you should have some part of your roof facing south (if you live in the Northern hemisphere).
Trees or nearby buildings should not block the sun (roof should not be in shade during the day).
Currently in many countries including USA and Canada government gives considerable rebates if you install energy saving system and heat solar panels is definitely going to save your energy.
Finally, nothing beats that sweet feeling of going green and doing the right thing for the planet we all live on.
However most of the sun energy comes in the form of heat, not light.
That's where another solar energy option came up from.
There are special type of solar panels which transform sun's energy into heat, not electricity.
It allows you to save money on hot water also you will spend less (or maybe even nothing) on heating your house in winter, if you buy a proper system.
Here is how heat solar panels work.
Sun heats up special panel and water or special antifreeze liquid grabs heat from the panel and transfers it to your water tank.
Your water tank instead of heating up the cold water heats up warm water and you save money on your bill.
Warmth from heat solar panels can also be used to warm up your house in winter.
But keep in mind that if you are going to use such system in cold winters that you need an antifreeze liquid running there, not water, because water will freeze during the night and damage your panel.
If you think that there is not enough sun energy during the winter months to heat anything think again.
Next winter look at your south facing roof and you will notice that if roof inclination angle is big enough (45 degrees or so) then it is free from snow, because snow melts down and falls from the roof.
There are another factors to keep in mind.
First of all you should have some part of your roof facing south (if you live in the Northern hemisphere).
Trees or nearby buildings should not block the sun (roof should not be in shade during the day).
Currently in many countries including USA and Canada government gives considerable rebates if you install energy saving system and heat solar panels is definitely going to save your energy.
Finally, nothing beats that sweet feeling of going green and doing the right thing for the planet we all live on.