Preparing a Successful Leaflet Marketing Campaign
With solid, measurable goals, you will be better able to measure the success or failure of your effort. For example, if you really want to sell more of €Brand X€ but you design and send out a leaflet that really provides an overall view of your business and does not really promote €Brand X€, you may be left scratching your head when your €Brand X€ sales don't increase. The problem is that you lacked focus.
When advertising with leaflets, it is very important to pinpoint a specific objective. Before you put pen to paper or fingers to the keyboard, you should sit down and think long and hard about exactly what you want to achieve with your leaflet. In the €Brand X€ example, you should understand that your customer doesn't need to learn about your business from this leaflet. S/he should be drawn to your leaflet by a need for €Brand X€.
The information contained within the leaflet should give specific instructions on how and where to find €Brand X€ and why purchasing €Brand X€ from your business is the best thing to do. A coupon or the announcement of a sale day would be an excellent inclusion. When your potential customer shows up, s/he can learn more about your business. For example, say €Brand X€ is an electronic cigarette. People who smoke will be your target audience. You will find them in bars and in doctors' offices (among other places).
You will want to design a leaflet that is both eye-catching and tasteful in order to be able to get permission to leave some for your potential customers in both of these venues. You will want your text to clearly outline the health benefits of electronic cigarettes, and you will want your coupon to give a big discount and clear information on how to cash in on it. You will definitely want a nice, clear, tasteful picture. Two or three short testimonials would help. You don't want a long description of yourself and everything that you do. The customer can find out about that (if desired) when s/he contacts you.
By knowing what to include and what not to include, who your target audience is and where you can find it, you will have much greater chances for success with leaflet marketing. Remember, success in sales ideally consists of 90% preparation and 10% perspiration.