Suicidal Ideation
There are so many reasons why someone would be thinking of ending their life but the area we address is one where we ask why?
If a better horizon could be brought into focus with or without meds and this is something we will leave to the doctors but it is in our expertise that no one really wants to die and if a more colourful approach would work then that is what is worth trying.
Self-help books, tapes, cd's or DVD's etc are being marketed in a zillion methods promising an improved life through suggestions but many fall short because most people want a quick fix. Whether it is the result of fast food or the gold rush way back when; it is obvious that something has seeped into our beings seeking immediate results.
Supermarkets have brought it closer to home whereby one does not need to own a cow to have milk and escort services have encouraged an independent lifestyle again without owning the garden therefore no weeding is necessary.
However this has consequences because what is attained easily is less appreciated and likewise with mental health the general consensus is that if you have meds then you are healed. Those of us in the know are fairly confident that this pressure is causing horrible consequences as relationships fall apart and thus more hurt is felt.
Let us try a different approach where every person in the equation works in harmony for the satisfaction of all and unlike cancer where only one receives therapy with the treatment of mental health the complete picture has to be addressed. Numerous couples are all alone because the one without the illness is oblivious of certain understandings that need to be made aware for success to be attained.
Mental health is a very lonely illness and living in the darkness of a cave is something mankind exited years ago but only in the physical and solitary existing is now as commonplace as was centuries ago as no one needs to ever leave their domicile if they so choose.
In the movie Sea Biscuit we saw a pairing of a bunch of people and a horse whose union was extremely beneficial to all concerned. Curious that a temperamental horse was transformed with kindness and love as was the jockey and the pairing made history to the joy of the public at the time.
If a better horizon could be brought into focus with or without meds and this is something we will leave to the doctors but it is in our expertise that no one really wants to die and if a more colourful approach would work then that is what is worth trying.
Self-help books, tapes, cd's or DVD's etc are being marketed in a zillion methods promising an improved life through suggestions but many fall short because most people want a quick fix. Whether it is the result of fast food or the gold rush way back when; it is obvious that something has seeped into our beings seeking immediate results.
Supermarkets have brought it closer to home whereby one does not need to own a cow to have milk and escort services have encouraged an independent lifestyle again without owning the garden therefore no weeding is necessary.
However this has consequences because what is attained easily is less appreciated and likewise with mental health the general consensus is that if you have meds then you are healed. Those of us in the know are fairly confident that this pressure is causing horrible consequences as relationships fall apart and thus more hurt is felt.
Let us try a different approach where every person in the equation works in harmony for the satisfaction of all and unlike cancer where only one receives therapy with the treatment of mental health the complete picture has to be addressed. Numerous couples are all alone because the one without the illness is oblivious of certain understandings that need to be made aware for success to be attained.
Mental health is a very lonely illness and living in the darkness of a cave is something mankind exited years ago but only in the physical and solitary existing is now as commonplace as was centuries ago as no one needs to ever leave their domicile if they so choose.
In the movie Sea Biscuit we saw a pairing of a bunch of people and a horse whose union was extremely beneficial to all concerned. Curious that a temperamental horse was transformed with kindness and love as was the jockey and the pairing made history to the joy of the public at the time.