Feast of Tabernacles Message
For people having a special Feast of Tabernacles gathering or dinner here is a nice message that I like to use.
It's brief, captures the main points and doesn't keep people too long from eating.
Shalom chevarim ve baruch haba (Hello friends and welcome).
Today is Tishi xx, the xx day of the Feast of Tabernacles (the 1st day of the feast is Tishri 15).
This feast is also known as the feast of booths or in Hebrew as Sukkot or Sukkoth.
The feast of Tabernacles is a grand celebration, a time of great joy and happiness.
This time of year is the conclusion of the olives, dates and figs harvest; the last harvest of the year in Israel.
The ancient Israelites celebrated this feast with great praise for the crops they received during the year.
It was also a time to pray for the winter rains to soften the ground for next year's harvest.
The Israelite's built booths, huts, or temporary dwelling places to live for the seven day feast.
These booths were purposely built with gaps in the roof so that the stars could be looked at.
These temporary living places remind us that this life is a transition to the next life, a better life, an eternal life.
The Feast of Tabernacles is much more than just these physical elements though.
The feast pictured the first coming of Jesus and it also pictures His second coming.
As a person studies into the symbolism of the Feast of Booths it is amazing how much is fulfilled in Jesus.
During the last Feast that Jesus celebrated on earth, it was on the seventh day, "the last and greatest day of the feast" (John 7:37) that Jesus boldly proclaimed that He was the light of the world and that streams of living water would flow form whoever believes in Him.
We are also told in the book of Zechariah that all will keep the Feast of Tabernacles after Jesus' return (Zech.
And we cannot forget that our Saviour, Yeshua Hamashiach, our Lord and Master, the great Adon Olam was most likely born during the fall feast season and very possibly during the Feast of Tabernacles itself.
Let's all celebrate this day, this feast, Jesus, God the Father and the Holy Spirit.
Baruch Ha Shem ve Yavorek Adonai (Praise the Lord and God bless you).
It's brief, captures the main points and doesn't keep people too long from eating.
Shalom chevarim ve baruch haba (Hello friends and welcome).
Today is Tishi xx, the xx day of the Feast of Tabernacles (the 1st day of the feast is Tishri 15).
This feast is also known as the feast of booths or in Hebrew as Sukkot or Sukkoth.
The feast of Tabernacles is a grand celebration, a time of great joy and happiness.
This time of year is the conclusion of the olives, dates and figs harvest; the last harvest of the year in Israel.
The ancient Israelites celebrated this feast with great praise for the crops they received during the year.
It was also a time to pray for the winter rains to soften the ground for next year's harvest.
The Israelite's built booths, huts, or temporary dwelling places to live for the seven day feast.
These booths were purposely built with gaps in the roof so that the stars could be looked at.
These temporary living places remind us that this life is a transition to the next life, a better life, an eternal life.
The Feast of Tabernacles is much more than just these physical elements though.
The feast pictured the first coming of Jesus and it also pictures His second coming.
As a person studies into the symbolism of the Feast of Booths it is amazing how much is fulfilled in Jesus.
During the last Feast that Jesus celebrated on earth, it was on the seventh day, "the last and greatest day of the feast" (John 7:37) that Jesus boldly proclaimed that He was the light of the world and that streams of living water would flow form whoever believes in Him.
We are also told in the book of Zechariah that all will keep the Feast of Tabernacles after Jesus' return (Zech.
And we cannot forget that our Saviour, Yeshua Hamashiach, our Lord and Master, the great Adon Olam was most likely born during the fall feast season and very possibly during the Feast of Tabernacles itself.
Let's all celebrate this day, this feast, Jesus, God the Father and the Holy Spirit.
Baruch Ha Shem ve Yavorek Adonai (Praise the Lord and God bless you).