Breast Feeding For Baby Health
Breast milk should be given to newly born baby as soon as possible after birth.
The colostrum of breast milk is highly nutritious for new born baby.
It contains all types and necessary nutritive elements like protein, carbohydrate, fate, vitamins, minerals and water for development baby.
Colostrum is available in breast milk for only seven days after delivery of new baby.
The colostrum is of yellowish color and semi-solid liquid form.
The colostrum helps to develop anti body against various types of diseases.
It also helps in increasing IQ of the baby.
The exclusive breast feeding is another form of breast feeding in which newly borne baby will take only mother's milk up to 6 months.
S/he can not take any thing without breast milk up to 6 months.
The quantity of mother's milk is adequate and quite sufficient for normal growth of the baby.
The breast feed babies are intelligence and strong.
As they acquire anti body through breast milk, there is very less chance of suffering from any disease.
There are many advantages of mother's milk such as no economical implication, it is available in normal temperature, it is easily digestible, and it does not require extra time or hazards.
It also helps in developing internal bondage between mother and child.
On the other hand, there is no disadvantage of mother's milk.
So if you come across any family who are not breast feeding their babies, please inspire them, aware them to breast feed their babies.
Help the humankind on this beautiful planet.