Making the Right Choices Nutritionally
Fighting the "battle of the bulge" is a billion dollar business now.
There are diets, diet pills and a myriad of exercise equipment claiming amazing results.
All you have to do is buy, buy, buy and you too can have tight abs, thighs and hips.
It all sounds so good.
Everyone seems to be having a good time showing you how much fun it is to dance, use the exercise equipment and the easy to follow diets and/or pills.
Our bodies were made to move and exercise is definitely important.
Living couch potato lifestyle brings with it ailments just as eating the wrong foods for a long period of time can.
The two together can be disastrous to your health.
One thing to keep in mind if you decide to get healthy is to take one step at a time.
The 3 important steps in healthy food choices are as follows: 1.
Be realistic.
It takes some planning to eat healthy.
Every decision you make may cause you to fail or be victorious.
You can set yourself up for victory by simply planning to have a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner.
When you go grocery shopping, stick to a list with only healthy items and make sure it includes plenty of raw fruits and veggies.
Set your times to eat.
Don't skip breakfast so that you are not starving for lunch.
A veggie omelet in the morning with a slice of whole grain toast and orange juice is very easy to fix if you set your mind to it.
Another way to eat on time is to set your watch for your alarm to go off when its time to eat.
Pretty soon your body will adjust and your hunger mechanism will kick in.
Be sure to eat all your meals before 6:00 p.
Reward yourself for making the healthy choices.
A smoothie is very satisfying and low in calories.
Love yourself enough to take care of yourself.
You only have one body and one life.
Be good to yourself by adopting healthy habits one day at a time.
Before you know it you will be make good choices without thinking about it.
For more help with better food choices that add convenience and whole food nutrition please click on the link below:
There are diets, diet pills and a myriad of exercise equipment claiming amazing results.
All you have to do is buy, buy, buy and you too can have tight abs, thighs and hips.
It all sounds so good.
Everyone seems to be having a good time showing you how much fun it is to dance, use the exercise equipment and the easy to follow diets and/or pills.
Our bodies were made to move and exercise is definitely important.
Living couch potato lifestyle brings with it ailments just as eating the wrong foods for a long period of time can.
The two together can be disastrous to your health.
One thing to keep in mind if you decide to get healthy is to take one step at a time.
The 3 important steps in healthy food choices are as follows: 1.
Be realistic.
It takes some planning to eat healthy.
Every decision you make may cause you to fail or be victorious.
You can set yourself up for victory by simply planning to have a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner.
When you go grocery shopping, stick to a list with only healthy items and make sure it includes plenty of raw fruits and veggies.
Set your times to eat.
Don't skip breakfast so that you are not starving for lunch.
A veggie omelet in the morning with a slice of whole grain toast and orange juice is very easy to fix if you set your mind to it.
Another way to eat on time is to set your watch for your alarm to go off when its time to eat.
Pretty soon your body will adjust and your hunger mechanism will kick in.
Be sure to eat all your meals before 6:00 p.
Reward yourself for making the healthy choices.
A smoothie is very satisfying and low in calories.
Love yourself enough to take care of yourself.
You only have one body and one life.
Be good to yourself by adopting healthy habits one day at a time.
Before you know it you will be make good choices without thinking about it.
For more help with better food choices that add convenience and whole food nutrition please click on the link below: