A Professional Network Marketer
Some of the ideas are negative and some are positive but for the most part network marketing is not understood.
What isn't understood is that every product in the market place reaches the end user through some sort of network.
Be it a toaster, a loaf of bread or a jar of peanut butter each and every one works its way through a network of people.
The peanut is planted, and someone gets paid.
The peanut is harvested, and someone gets paid.
The peanuts are transported to a buyer, and someone gets paid.
The buyer sells the peanuts to a processing plant and someone gets paid.
The processor makes peanut butter and someone gets paid.
The processor sells the peanut butter to a wholesaler and someone is paid.
The wholesaler sells the peanut butter to a retailer and someone gets paid.
The retailer sells the peanut butter to the consumer and someone gets paid.
Every product you can think of follows the same general pattern.
This process is not called network marketing, but it really is.
It flows through people with each one getting a little bit of the action.
The term network marketer in our business is the same except that a large number of the "middle men" are not in the loop.
The result is a cost reduction in the distribution cycle.
The cost reduction is then redirected as commissions paid to a distribution network.
Most commonly called the compensation plan.
When the amount of money saved as a result of product moving directly to the distributor is converted to commissions it becomes obvious why being a network marketer is so lucrative.
As most of us are aware Network Marketing compensation plans pay several levels deep, with some being more lucrative than others.
The only question is whether or not one want to have a distribution network numbering in the hundreds and even thousands? Everyone wants the residual earnings as a result but not everyone is willing to do the simple things to bring that about.
What are the simple things? · Learn about the product, company and system · Demonstrate the product to as many people as you can · Some will want to do what you are doing and some won't · Sign up those who see the potential · Help the new person do what you are doing There are those who will say it can't be that simple, but they are wrong.
Those who do not succeed as network marketers don't consistently do the foregoing 5 steps.
As a network marketer it is helpful to realize an age-old fact that remains the same today.
80% of the people share 20% of wealth and 20% share 80% of the wealth! When one considers the years of education through school and beyond the subject of succeeding is completely ignored.
Success is not measured in the amount of money that is earned or accumulated, but money is a part of it.
Success for everyone is exactly the same - freedom from want.
Money in our society does play an important role.
That cannot be denied.
The benefit of becoming a Professional Network Marketer not only satisfies the financial need but serves to broaden our social needs as well.
In our business we have the opportunity to relieve people of pain.
That alone is exceptionally satisfying.
On top of that the opportunity to help someone escape from the drudgery of daily financial worry is beyond comparison.
Consider this: if you have read what has been written so far you have what it takes to succeed, you are about 1 in 5.
All that remains is to find the highest possible quality product and company and go to work.
Not everyone will do it but anyone can do it.
It all boils down to personal commitment.