3 Sizzling Tips to Last Longer in Bed That Will Improve Your Sex Life
Not all is lost however, these three tips will ensure that you improve things and make sure that you start moving things in the right direction. These 3 tips will definitely help you get your sex life on track:
Get it off before you have sex - This is a great tactic to use and a lot of guys have used it to for good effect. Some guys have found that it helps when they masturbate before the sexual encounter, because it helps to release the sexual tension. This will ensure that when you do get to be with your woman you are in less of a rush to come.
You can always use a spray or a cream that will help you in keeping it in. This is a quick fix for a day, especially if you are looking for some action for that day. This is a solution for last minute, not something that should be used on a long term basis, but it definitely can help if you do not want to disappoint your woman.
The best recommendation that I can make is for you to look for a long term solution that can help you deal with your premature ejaculation problems. This is no quick fix, it will take some patience but it is good as it looks at the root cause of the problem. This makes sure that you deal with the real reasons why the problems are occurring, and long term, you get to get rid of the problem permanently.
Long term solutions are by far the best to deal with a problem like this. Lasting longer should be your desire everyday when you do have intercourse, not just one night out of the many, so take the time to do what you need to do.
Do keep in mind that this is not a problem that has to affect your whole life, there are solutions that can work in getting you sorted and enjoying sex with your woman.