How to Level Pavers Over Soil
- 1). Run two lengths of garden hose along the entire pathway area to mark out its location.
- 2). Measure the length and width of the pathway and multiply the two numbers to get the square footage. Use this to order your stones.
- 3). Remove all the turf from the area between the garden hoses.
- 4). Dig down to a depth of 7 to 8 inches for sandy soil and 11 to 12 inches for clay soil.
- 5). Run an electric tamper device over the soil to compact it and make a suitable area to stack the pavers.
- 6). Fill the trench with 4 to 6 inches or more of washed gravel -- enough to let your pavers sit 1 to 2 inches above the surrounding soil level.
- 7). Set a paver stone on top of the gravel. Place a level on top of the stone and tap the paving stone with a rubber mallet to work it into the gravel beneath and make it level.
- 8). Continue adding stones, leveling each one with the one before it, until the walkway is complete.
- 9). Pour sand over the stones and use a brush to work it into the spaces between the stones. It should fill all the gaps to make an even surface.