Is it Possible to Read What a Woman is Thinking? Here Are 4 Effective Ways to Figure Her Out
Learning how to crack this code is an important part of becoming successful while dating women.
A woman's body language reflects open and closed gestures.
Open indicating that she is interested in you and closed indicating that she is not.
Learn to identify these and apply your understanding in your encounters...
oEyes: When you catch a woman's eye keep looking at her till after she has looked away.
She will either flip her hair or fiddle with her clothes or jewelry if she finds you interesting.
Make sure that you create a positive impression by giving her a smile before she looks away.
If she is interested in you then she will glace back a couple of times to catch your eye.
On the contrary beware of the 'eye roll'.
Catch a woman doing this and know that she finds your company boring and can't wait to get out.
oHair Flipping: This is one of the most tell tale signs of a woman being interested in you.
If after catching your eye she turns away and flips her hair then she is definitely interested in you.
Sometimes a woman does not flip her hair but just plays with it or just touches it.
This is one of the ways that she exercises to catch your eye as she finds you attractive.
oBody Movements: You can tell a lot about a woman by the way her body moves.
She can send out many open or closed signals with the help of her shoulders, legs and arms.
Open shoulders that are facing you, leaning forward, exposed wrists and palms and relaxed legs are all signals of her interest.
On the contrary if she sits with her legs and arms crossed with her knees and toes pointing towards you indicates that she is either nervous or disinterested in you.
If you find her leading backwards further away from you then just back off as hanging around will only agitate her more.
oNotice her hands: If a woman is interested in you then she will constantly be doing something with her hands.
Either touching her face, running her fingers through her hair or touching her clothes and accessories etc.
She might also touch you lightly on your arms couple of times to suggest her interest.
Be on your guard if she starts to fidget with everything in proximity like her glass or the napkin or begins to drum her fingers.
This means that she has lost interest in you and is just waiting for you to get the signal and move on.