How to Become a Pregnant Model
- 1). Exercise daily and eat healthy to maintain proper fitness while pregnant. Begin this regimen as early in your pregnancy as possible. According to Liza Elliott-Ramirez, president of Expecting Models, in an article for the Pitch Engine website, refrain from making drastic changes in your appearance such as cutting your hair until you are showing and can consult with a hairstylist about what type of hairstyle will look best with your new shape. Try to do as much as you did for your appearance--such as applying makeup--before becoming pregnant.
- 2). Study as much as you can about the pregnant modeling profession (see Resources). According to the Models Fashion Advice website, begin modeling in your fifth month of pregnancy and when you are showing. Keep exercising and eating a healthy diet to develop and maintain your stamina for full-day photo shoots.
- 3). Research modeling photographers (see Resources). Hire a photographer that has experience with pregnant models. Begin thinking about what you will wear. Consult with your photographer before your photo shoot to discuss maternity clothing options, makeup and hair. Most pregnant modeling photographers have a makeup and wardrobe assistant.
- 4). Get your prints and decide which picture you will use to submit to agencies. Also, begin putting together your comp card, which is a 5-1/2-inch-by-8-1/2-inch business card for models and pregnant models consisting of four to five photos of their best photos (see Resources). Again, consult with your photographer about your best photos. Ask your photographer to refer you to a company that designs comp cards, or hire him to do it. Comp cards typically cost a little more than one dollar per print, with the per-print cost decreasing the more prints you buy. Search online for photo reproduction companies, or ask your photographer to provide you with references.
- 5). Contact pregnancy modeling agencies as well as pregnancy magazine companies (see Resources). Upon receiving permission, submit your photos with a brief cover letter requesting an interview. Be sure to also note when your baby is due. Begin following up after a few weeks if you do not get a response.
- 6). Take digital pictures of yourself as you undergo each stage of pregnancy and periods of growth in your stomach. Send these photos to your agency. Make regular appointments with your agency or magazine to allow it to see you as your body changes and grows.