Airline Luggage
Carry on - This is the most common type of luggage.
Pack as much as you can into a bag, and bring it on the plane.
This way, you're going to be able to avoid fees, and it's always in your sight.
You will never have to worry about losing it.
Luggage - Luggage, yes, just the broad term.
These are your big bags that you can store just about anything in.
You'll want to take advantage of this, because as I mentioned above, you're going to pay about $25 per trip on your checked in luggage, which is a HUGE rip off.
Carry over - A backpack, or carry over your shoulder bag is just like a carry on bag, but you will find that you can't really fit much.
This is designed for those that are looking to bring entertainment on board.
This makes it great for those that like to bring a lot of entertainment.
If you know what kind of luggage you want, look at all the styles, and selections, because there are a lot out there!