Natural Cures For Uterine Fibroids
Fibroids are harmless growths within the muscle of the uterine wall or, less commonly, on the exterior.
They are very common indeed and often symptomless.
However, in a small percentage of women, fibroids can cause uncomfortable and sometimes painful symptoms and can occasionally have an adverse effect on pregnancy.
The precise causes can vary from woman to woman and are difficult to determine.
However, there are a number of common factors, one of which is excess estrogen.
As estrogen can help to stimulate growth, many natural cures for uterine fibroids are based around lowering the body's estrogen levels by either avoiding its intake, or increasing the body's ability to eliminate both natural and artificial sources known as xenoestrogens.
As estrogen is both manufactured and stored within fat cells, losing weight if you happen to be carrying any excess is a good way to naturally eliminate estrogen.
To ensure that the liver is in tip-top condition and able to do its job in eliminating estrogen, you might consider taking Dandelion Root and Milk Thistle.
It is more difficult to eliminate xenoestrogens, which are compounds which mimic estrogen which are derived from sources including pesticides, farming hormones, certain cosmetics and environmental toxins.
Many alternative therapists believe that natural cures for uterine fibroids should also include a 3 day liver detox as this ensures that the liver can do its job better, including eliminating the rather tough xenoestrogens.
Other good natural cures include dietary modification.
For example, eating only organic produce and cutting out fatty and processed meats.