Generally What Are the Symptoms of ADD and ADHD?
Let me just first say, before we start, I am grateful that you made the decision to want to better grasp the symptoms of ADD and ADHD.
Given the flood of information that does exist in this day and age, one can be left with an overwhelming sense of uncertainty.
Recognising the signs and symptoms that confronts a child, teen and adult, will be of use to you in establishing what kind of ADD or ADHD you or your loved one has.
While people do differ, there can be a combination of different symptoms.
This may lead you to ask: What is the difference between normal behaviour and ADD or ADHD behaviour? The majority of people will probably display behaviour that is very much like ADD or ADHD.
It is when their conduct produces negative consequences in different aspects of their lives, that it can be labelled as ADD or ADHD.
It cannot be masked or camouflaged when they have to do things in different areas of their lives.
What are the noticeable symptoms of ADD and ADHD? Three symptoms have been documented by The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and they have distinctly linked these symptoms with certain behaviours.
• Inattention • Impulsivity • And or Hyperactivity Inattention Definition: A clear display of not paying attention ADD or ADHD inattention is very typically shown by: • distractibility, • daydreaming and • caring very little about things.
It seems like their inattention drives them to be distracted.
This difficulty with inattention can clearly be seen when something or the other will trigger their distraction and or compete for their attention.
Impulsivity Impulsivity can be defined as immediate action, without much thought or a sudden urge that results in an unpremeditated action or emotion.
ADD or ADHD impulsivity is very typically displayed by: • speaking and behaving on impulse, • often reacting quickly to a situation with inappropriate behaviour or language.
• tending to not consider the consequences of what they do or say.
Hyperactivity Hyperactivity can be defined as someone who is excessively active, either physically or verbally.
ADHD hyperactivity is very typically displayed by: • extreme restlessness, • distractibility and • excitability.
They so desperately want to express themselves or their actions that they can be disruptive, talk loudly or even entertain themselves and others by getting up to mischief.
Creating trouble for themselves and others is often the consequence of this behaviour.
Symptoms can vary in degree and can start unnoticed.
The first signs and symptoms could appear when the person is asked to follow a set of instructions.
Concentrating on executing the instructions can be really challenging for the ADD or ADHD child, teen and adult.
These symptoms can affect all aspects of life including: • Financial: Are the symptoms stopping you or your loved one from reaching financial freedom? • Vocational: How are you growing and positively contributing in your vocation despite your symptoms? • Spiritual: Are you or your loved one able to keep their spirits high? • Family: How do the symptoms generally affect your family life? • Socially: Do the symptoms make it difficult to connect with different people? • Physical: How do the symptoms generally affect your physical strength? • Mental: Are you mentally thriving or merely surviving the symptoms of ADD or ADHD? • Emotional: Are negative emotions a challenge when faced with disappointments? These symptoms may go unnoticed at first but they are very real for the ADD or ADHD child, teen and adult.
Thanks so much for reading this article that has given you a brief overview of the ADD and ADHD symptoms.
Given the flood of information that does exist in this day and age, one can be left with an overwhelming sense of uncertainty.
Recognising the signs and symptoms that confronts a child, teen and adult, will be of use to you in establishing what kind of ADD or ADHD you or your loved one has.
While people do differ, there can be a combination of different symptoms.
This may lead you to ask: What is the difference between normal behaviour and ADD or ADHD behaviour? The majority of people will probably display behaviour that is very much like ADD or ADHD.
It is when their conduct produces negative consequences in different aspects of their lives, that it can be labelled as ADD or ADHD.
It cannot be masked or camouflaged when they have to do things in different areas of their lives.
What are the noticeable symptoms of ADD and ADHD? Three symptoms have been documented by The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and they have distinctly linked these symptoms with certain behaviours.
• Inattention • Impulsivity • And or Hyperactivity Inattention Definition: A clear display of not paying attention ADD or ADHD inattention is very typically shown by: • distractibility, • daydreaming and • caring very little about things.
It seems like their inattention drives them to be distracted.
This difficulty with inattention can clearly be seen when something or the other will trigger their distraction and or compete for their attention.
Impulsivity Impulsivity can be defined as immediate action, without much thought or a sudden urge that results in an unpremeditated action or emotion.
ADD or ADHD impulsivity is very typically displayed by: • speaking and behaving on impulse, • often reacting quickly to a situation with inappropriate behaviour or language.
• tending to not consider the consequences of what they do or say.
Hyperactivity Hyperactivity can be defined as someone who is excessively active, either physically or verbally.
ADHD hyperactivity is very typically displayed by: • extreme restlessness, • distractibility and • excitability.
They so desperately want to express themselves or their actions that they can be disruptive, talk loudly or even entertain themselves and others by getting up to mischief.
Creating trouble for themselves and others is often the consequence of this behaviour.
Symptoms can vary in degree and can start unnoticed.
The first signs and symptoms could appear when the person is asked to follow a set of instructions.
Concentrating on executing the instructions can be really challenging for the ADD or ADHD child, teen and adult.
These symptoms can affect all aspects of life including: • Financial: Are the symptoms stopping you or your loved one from reaching financial freedom? • Vocational: How are you growing and positively contributing in your vocation despite your symptoms? • Spiritual: Are you or your loved one able to keep their spirits high? • Family: How do the symptoms generally affect your family life? • Socially: Do the symptoms make it difficult to connect with different people? • Physical: How do the symptoms generally affect your physical strength? • Mental: Are you mentally thriving or merely surviving the symptoms of ADD or ADHD? • Emotional: Are negative emotions a challenge when faced with disappointments? These symptoms may go unnoticed at first but they are very real for the ADD or ADHD child, teen and adult.
Thanks so much for reading this article that has given you a brief overview of the ADD and ADHD symptoms.