What Is the File Extension Hdp?
- A file with a Hdp file extension is a HD Photo file. The Hdp file extension serves as a marker to your computer, allowing it to quickly locate and access files when you wish to open a Hdp file.
- You are most likely to find a Hdp file in your Pictures folder.
- A file with a Hdp file extension contains a high-definition or high-resolution photograph saved or edited using HD Photo. These photographs can be printed, uploaded to a website, emailed or saved to a disc.
- HD Photo is sometimes called Windows Media Photo, which also produces Hdp files. You can also access a Hdp file using Adobe photoshop and Alchemy Mindworks Graphic Workshop Professional.
- In addition to their superior quality due to a high resolution, Hdp files are more compressed than other types of image files. This means that Hdp files take up less space on your hard drive or on a CD.