Help on Getting Your GF Back - Just Be a Nice Guy
When you spend a lot of time with someone, you get to know them.
You learn their habits.
You notice more and more about their attitude! Pretty much without fail, you will find traits in your lover that annoy the heck out of you! And it's probably true vice versa.
Sometimes it's pretty hard to just get along.
If you've recently had a breakup, it could be because you two have just lost respect for each other! It could be that you got to know each other well enough that you found things that you hate in each other.
So maybe you were "incompatible," or maybe one or both of you just wasn't trying as hard as you could have.
Trying harder.
Examine what you had with your ex when you were at the peak of your relationship.
Why did you get together in the first place, and what held you together? Was it worth it, and would it be worth getting back? So you're thinking through it all, and you decide that it's all worth it.
You want your lover back! But how? How would you overcome your differences, or reconcile things despite the apparent problems? What are the problems? So what is it that you would need to get back together with your ex? Sometimes you already know.
Other times you just only found out at the breakup, i.
, your girlfriend "suddenly" decides that you don't respect her.
Or that you aren't loving enough with your words.
Sometimes over time a guy forgets to tell his girl that he loves her.
Over time people forget things.
Sometimes if your ex wants you back, all you have to do is be nice! People in relationships sometimes lose their manners with each other.
They forget to use kind expressions.