How to Tell If Your Ex Boyfriend Still Likes You
Since your break up, settling down into single life has been difficult for you especially if your ex boyfriend initiated the break up.
It's easy to get mixed signals when you still move around in the same circles especially when you bump into each other frequently.
Letting go is tough because you invested so much quality time together and created lots of good memories despite the break up.
So how do you tell if your old boyfriend still cares about you? We've listed five tell tale signs he still likes you and if he's doing any of the following, then maybe he's not really over you yet.
You still need to be sure though but these five giveaways are good places to start.
Does Your Ex Boyfriend Still Like You? #1.
If he still calls you on a regular basis you can be certain he still has pretty strong feelings for you.
If you've broken up then why would he bother calling if he was over you.
It doesn't make sense does it so you can be pretty sure there is a strong connection still existing.
The same applies if he is still sending you text messages.
Could he just be checking to see what you are doing or even whether you are with someone else.
Isn't that a giveaway he still likes you? #3.
It's common for people to spend lots of time away from each other once they've broken up.
It's natural, you are moving on and you can't do that if you are still seeing each other constantly.
So remember this, if he wants to see you again just for a catch up just 2-4 weeks after you break up this is a strong sign he misses you and definitely still likes you a lot.
Another tell tale sign he still has strong feelings for you is if he asks you out on a date.
Strange isn't it, he breaks up with you and you're trying to move on and now he's asking you for a date.
Do you think he still likes you? #5.
Check with your friends and ask them whether he has been talking about you or asking questions about you.
If he has, this is a strong answer to your question "does my ex boyfriend still like me".
When guys do this it usually means they are checking to see how good their chances are at getting back together.
Obviously they are not going to come right out and ask you directly and be embarrassed so they look for some insider information and get your friends opinions.