How to Find Federal Grants for Business
Some private foundations and corporations also offer grants to qualified businesses.
Here is the process for finding grants for businesses.
•A business owner must conduct research for grants specifically on the field where the business is associated.
There are many factors that make a business eligible for a grant.
Among these factors are sales revenue, purpose of funding, location, and number of years in business, race, and sex.
•Decide on whether to hire a consultant or personally learn the process of grant application.
A business owner must also consider the amount of time needed for the expansion.
Will the process of applying and undergoing the grant process hurt the business? Does the grant take more time than the actual marketing and selling in a business? •For business owners who are looking for available grants, the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance or CFDA is the best place to look.
The catalog contains thousands of various grants from different government units.
Most of these grants, however, are focused on developing minor and rural businesses.
It is also important not to overlook assistance programs that are being offered.
This may include surplus training and equipment.
•A business owner who has found the perfect business grant should be ready for the long approval process ahead.
Competitions and cutbacks in funding should be anticipated.
•When going through the application, business owners must make sure they provide accurate information.
This has bearing in the validity of a grant.
It may also affect the approval or rejection of the grant.
•A wise move for business owners is to make acquaintance with the grant officer.
Another technique in acquiring Federal grants for business is to bring experts like an accountant or consultant.
These professionals can provide credibility to the applicant.