Nail Fungus and the Fiction Surrounding Fungus
As the fungus spreads deeper, it can cause the nail to become thicker, develop crumbling edges or become discolored.
This condition may become painful for some where as others may experience no pain.
Approximately 50% of people who experience nail disorders are plagued with nail fungus infections.
Nail fungus infections typically occur when the nail is exposed to warm and moist environments continuously.
Sweaty shoes and shower floors are two examples of a warm moist environment.
Fungi are microscopic organisms that don't need sunlight.
Fungal Myths It is commonly believed that nail fungus is the same as athlete's foot, but this is false as athlete's foot primarily affects the skin, not the nail.
The myth that once treated, the infection is cured is also false.
If someone doesn't practice good prevention or doesn't complete the entire treatment regimen, the infection may not be completely gone and may come back.
Yeast and mold infections of the nail are not the same as nail fungus infections and require different treatment.
How Do I find Truthful Information? It's true that you can search the Internet, but a lot of online information may not be credible.
If you're an online researcher, do the research, but take the information into your physician and go over what you've found with him or her in order to make the proper treatment decisions regarding your infection.
My doctor doesn't think the information I found on the Internet is accurate.
Your doctor may have a point.
Remember that internet research may present descriptions of nail infections and treatment options, but your doctor can take a sample of the infected nail and send it off to the lab.
This will allow your doctor to determine exactly which nail fungus or infection you're suffering from and he or she can in turn prescribe the correct medication or treatment regimen for that particular type of infection.
Is prevention really that important? Yes! Prevention is extremely important and key to fending off recurring nail fungal infections.
Lack of prevention is how you go the infection in the first place and if your infection has become unsightly and uncomfortable or painful, you definitely don't want to repeat the infection again.
Part of prevention is following completely through with your treatment.
Not doing so because the infected area appears to be cured can cause the infection to return and then you'll have to start treatment all over again.